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KAKGIGAMA Alumni Gathering: A Reunion and Support for FKG UGM Students

The Alumni Gathering at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), is an annual event held as part of the FKG UGM Anniversary celebrations since 2014.

The Alumni Gathering (28 April) held at FKG UGM marked the conclusion of the 76th Anniversary festivities. This year, alums from the Universitas Gadjah Mada Dental Alumni Family (KAKGIGAMA), ranging from the class of '63 to '83, attended the event.

Present at the gathering were Mr. Rommy Fibri Hardiyanto, Chairman of the Indonesian Film Censorship Board and a KAKGIGAMA member; Mr. Bima Pribadi, Corporate Sales Private Division Head of PT Garuda Indonesia; and the Dean of FKG UGM along with his staff. This event allowed alumni from various batches across Indonesia to return to the campus, in line with this year's theme, "Let's Gather and Reminisce Here."

Drg. Endro Sucahyono, M.Kes., Chairman of KAKGIGAMA, remarked, "This great opportunity is one of our efforts to strengthen our bonds and reignite the KAKGIGAMA spirit to return to the campus and contribute to our beloved institution."

A highlight of this year's Alumni Gathering was a reunion auction to raise educational support for co-assistant students. The Dean of FKG UGM, Prof. Drg. Suryono, S.H., M.M., Ph.D., collected IDR 25,000,000 and 100 USD through a stage performance where he showcased several magic tricks that entertained and amazed the attendees.

As a demonstration of the alums's commitment to FKG UGM, KAKGIGAMA has a foster parent program ready to provide financial assistance for FKG UGM students. The funds collected will be given to 15 co-assistant students for one year.

Additionally, the event featured an exhibition of dental equipment involving 15 tenants, including PT Cobra Dental Indonesia, PT Berkah Dental, PT Ohawe Indonesia, Octadent, Meditech, Interbat Dental, Energon, Andini Sarana, Devi Dental, Skrab Up, and Gepro.

The success of this event is a testament to FKG UGM's commitment to realizing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education while supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly pillar 4 on Quality Education. By producing high-quality dental health professionals through quality education, FKG UGM contributes to a sustainable effort to produce qualified graduates through scholarship programs.

Hopefully, the Alumni Gathering will serve as a means of reunion and benefit FKG UGM and the community.

#sdgs #qualityeducation


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