fkg ugm

FKG UGM Appoints 3 Full Professors in 2023

FKG UGM, in line with the aspirations of its current Faculty leadership to Advance through Unity – Excellence in Achievement, has demonstrated a solid commitment to achieving accolades and enhancing its human resources capacity. This includes facilitating the career advancement of academic staff.

Health Law Highlighted in FKG UGM Postgraduate Program

“Kami yakin bahwa FKG UGM akan mampu bersinergi dengan Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan menjadi salah satu tulang punggung dalam upaya menyelenggarakan fasilitas kesehatan, khususnya kesehatan gigi dan mulut, yang adil bagi masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia melalui UU Kesehatan ini.”

All About the Opening of the 15th LUSTRUM of FKG UGM, from Fashion Parade to FKG’s Got Talent

It's hard to believe that the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, will soon turn 75. Certainly, as one of the pioneering faculties of Universitas Gadjah Mada, which at that time was still merged with the Faculty of Medicine, it has gone through many ups and downs in the field of education. As its age increases, FKG UGM has also produced many dental doctors throughout Indonesia.
