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202 New Students Attend PPSMB I-Dentistry 2022 in Person

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has been organizing the Successful Student Learning Training (PPSMB) for a decade. After the COVID-19 pandemic two years ago, which previously forced activities online, this year's PPSMB I-Dentistry returned with 100% face-to-face interaction. This included the Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, which conducted PPSMB I-Dentistry over the third and fourth days of 3 and 4 August 2022.

PPSMB I-Dentistry proceeded while strictly adhering to health protocols for the organizing committee and Gamada (Gadjah Mada Muda – a term for new UGM students). These protocols included mandatory double COVID vaccination, location entry screening, temperature checks, and mask removal only in open areas.

The opening of PPSMB I-Dentistry's first day was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, drg. Suryono S.H., MM., Ph.D., who also delivered a faculty introduction. In his address, he imparted several messages to Gamada, encouraging them to excel as learners and fully utilize campus facilities.

"I hope that you, Gamada, can take advantage of all the facilities and excels provided by the campus. Do not consider education as a burden, but as knowledge that will benefit society," he continued.

On the first day, Gamada learned that department chairs and faculty leaders received academic administration and library material from FKG UGM faculty and staff. Presentations followed this in their programs, namely the Dental Education and Dental Hygiene Programs. The session closed with guidance from drg. Nunuk Purwanti, M.Kes., Ph.D., on Gamada's character development.

This year, PPSMB I-Dentistry aligned with the university's commitment to character development, creativity, critical thinking, and the noble attitude of its students. These principles were implemented through various activities conducted during the two days of PPSMB I-Dentistry.

On the second day, Gamada received insights into the role of alums in Indonesia from drg. M. Bakhrul Lutfianto, Sp.BM(K) engaged in critical debates, showcased student creativity, and participated in class outings . This talk show, and fun learning concept aimed to equip Gamada for university life, fostering them to embody the dynamic spirit of FKG's successful students, who are ready to engage in campus life.

“The PPSMB Faculty has been designed according to university guidelines, where activities are conducted to develop student character," explained the Coordinator of the PPSMB 2022 Task Force, drg. Erdananda Haryosuwandito, Sp.BMM. “ I hope that through this PPSMB, new students can gain the skills to thrive in both campus and community life. Looking forward, PPSMB I-Dentistry will become even more interactive and creative," he added. He also highlighted that PPSMB I-Dentistry serves as an opportunity to build collaboration between faculty and students.

"This year's PPSMB-DENTISTRY event provides Gamada the chance to experience campus life firsthand. I hope this activity will inspire Gamada to achieve greater heights," emphasized Alexander Jonathan Budi Mulyawan, PPSMB I-DENTISTRY 2022 student committee coordinator.

The event concluded with the official inauguration of the class president and the class name for 2022, "DECIDUOUS," which symbolizes the Decision to start Connectivity between Dentists and dental hygienists to be Useful for a joyous life. This name reflects the philosophy of deciduous teeth, also known as baby or milk teeth, being the first to grow. It is hoped that Gamada 2022 will serve as the initial ground for the growth and development of high-integrity, professional, resilient, outstanding, and competent Dentists and Dental Hygienists.

The PPSMB I-Dentistry event was officially closed by the Dean of FKG UGM. Welcome to joining the Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, DECIDUOUS batch.

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