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FKG UGM Holds Parent Meeting for New Students of 2022

In anticipation of face-to-face classes in the new academic year, FKG UGM held a parent meeting for the new students of the 2022 intake. This activity was conducted to bridge communication between the faculty and the parents of the new students on Saturday, 13 August 2022.

The event occurred at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Dentistry UGM, Margono Soeraji Building, attended by 106 parents of new students in person. Additionally, adhering to tightened health protocols, the meeting was conducted in a hybrid format via platform Zoom, with more than 60 parents or guardians of students participating online. The President of POTMAGI (Association of Parents of Dental Students), Prof. Dr. RR Endang Lukitaningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Apt., also joined the virtual session.

The day's activities commenced with performing the traditional dance 'Jer Among Sirih' by Silvia Yuwandra Maharani, a 2021 Dental Hygiene Program student, and Rosa de Lima Tyanti Banotama, a 2021 Dental Education Program student. Following this, the Dean of FKG UGM, drg. Suryono, S.H., M.M., Ph.D., delivered a welcome address and presented an overview of the Faculty of Dentistry UGM to the parents and guardians.

"Firstly, I would like to congratulate all of you who have successfully guided your sons and daughters to become part of FKG UGM. I am delighted to welcome you all, and I hope that through this introduction, we can provide mutual understanding," expressed the Dean in his speech.

Subsequently, the activities of BEM FKG UGM were presented by Auladi Arya Farrosi, Chairman of BEM FKG UGM 2021, focusing on student activities within the faculty. The meeting concluded with a discussion and Q&A session between the parents, the heads of the Dental Education and Dental Hygiene Programs, and the deans. The discussion was moderated by drg. Shoimah Alfa Makmur, Sp. KGA.

FKG UGM Admin/Public Relations Team



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