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FKG UGM Invites Four Legal Experts to Share Ideas at the PETIKUMDIKGI Symposium

Today (26/08), FKG UGM organized the National Symposium on the Specialization of Ethics, Law, and Discipline in Dental Medicine (PETIKUMDIKGI) titled "Contributions & Opportunities for PETIKUMDIKGI Development in Dental and Oral Health Development in Indonesia." Held on the 3rd floor of the Margono Soeradji Building at FKG UGM, the event began with the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, UGM Hymn, and PDGI Mars, followed by welcoming remarks from the Chairperson of the Committee, drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes., Ph.D, and the Chairperson of PETIKUMDIKGI, also the Dean of FKG UGM, drg. Suryono S.H., M.M., Ph.D. The Indonesian Minister of Health, Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC, CLU, also provided his address via video online.

In his remarks, drg. Suryono S.H., M.M., Ph.D., highlighted PETIKUMDIKGI as a relatively new and less popular specialization. He also discussed various health issues in Indonesia, including the challenges with BPJS implementation, particularly the difficulty faced by underprivileged people in accessing their rights as BPJS Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI) due to transportation issues.

As the Dean of FKG UGM, he affirmed FKG UGM's commitment and tangible contributions in supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) numbers 3 and 4 through the Academic Health System (AHS) scheme, ensuring the quality of education at FKG UGM, and prioritizing health workers from the 3T regions (frontier, outermost, and disadvantaged) to continue their education at FKG UGM.

He also shared good news about the success of a community service program involving cleft lip surgery for 40 patients from all over East Kalimantan Province, which will lead to other integrated dental treatments. This initiative was made possible through various parties' contributions, including several alums of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist Program at FKG UGM, who voluntarily traveled to the location to assist with the surgeries. The Yayasan Senyum Harapan Nusantara and the National Amil Zakat Agency of East Kalimantan covered other costs 

Drg. Suryono S.H., M.M., Ph.D., also expressed his hope for active collaboration with the Ministry of Health and BPJS for future community service activities to provide a broader impact on the Indonesian people in need. 

The first session was led by the Special Staff of the Minister of Health for the Resilience of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Industry, Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, MSc, Ph.D. He addressed several challenges faced by the government regarding the distribution of health workers and access to health services, especially in remote areas. He also discussed potential solutions to existing health problems in Indonesia, including the Health Law—the discussion session moderated by drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes., Ph.D., was very active, with several questions and suggestions from the participants, including a suggestion from drg. Suryono S.H., M.M., Ph.D., who is also the Chairperson of the Indonesian Association of Dental Faculties (AFDOKGI), regarding strategies for the equitable distribution of dental health workers through the empowerment of local talents, education funding schemes, and solutions to the lack of facilities and medical equipment in the 3T areas.

The next session began with a virtual address from the Vice Chairperson of the Indonesian Dental Council, Prof. drg. Armasastra Bahar, Ph.D., FISDPH, FISPD. In the second session, Dr. drg. Paulus Januar Setyawan, MS., presented "Problems and Debates on the Revision of the Medical Practice Law." He highlighted controversies and formal and substantive issues of Law Number 17 of 2023 on Health (Omnibus Law), including eliminating professional organization authority, losing mandatory spending, and privatizing the health service sector.

It was also related to Law No. 17 of 2023, Dr. drg. Edi Sumarwanto, MM., MH.Kes. presented "What’s Going On with Kodekgi and the Proliferation of Ads on Social Media" in the same session. He discussed the existence of the Kodekgi professional organization in the Omnibus Law era. He also addressed issues related to dental ethics and discipline, which require special attention amidst the widespread use of social media for marketing. At the end of the session, he provided tips for dental practitioners to avoid ethical and legal lawsuits.

The third and final session was moderated by Dr. drg. Joko Supriyanto, M.Hum. It included presentations on "Ethical, Disciplinary, and Legal Issues that Must Be Accompanied by Professional Associations" by drg. Suryono S.H., M.M., Ph.D., followed by "Preventing Ethical and Professional Disciplinary Issues from Becoming Legal/Civil/Criminal Matters" by Dr. drg. AKBP Jaka Kusnanta Wahyuntara, Sp.BM.(K)., FISQua. 

Drg. Suryono S.H., M.M., Ph.D., began his session with examples of ethical, disciplinary, and legal cases. Common issues included the absence of informed consent, dentists promising treatment outcomes, incomplete medical records, and dishonesty in explaining diagnoses and medical procedures. He also described the role of PDGI in assisting with ethical, disciplinary, and legal issues. He concluded his material by saying, "Preventing legal problems is better than facing them."

Lastly, Dr. drg. AKBP Jaka Kusnanta Wahyuntara, Sp.BM.(K)., FISQua., highlighted three norms in dentistry: ethics, discipline, and law. He offered the participants a proverb, "ojo waton ngomong, ning ngomongo nganggo waton," meaning "do not speak carelessly, but speak with a basis." He also advised fellow practitioners to always be careful and humble in their actions. In dealing with legal cases, he suggested being silent, introspecting, immediately completing necessary documents, and maintaining empathy for those who feel wronged.

A total of 175 participants attended both online and offline. The guests were the Head of the Sleman Health Office, the PDGI DIY Chairperson, RSGM Prof. Soedomo Director, and the FKG UGM Senate Chairperson.

Through this event, the Dean of FKG UGM reaffirmed that FKG UGM is committed to supporting government programs in addressing the issues faced by the Ministry of Health regarding the distribution, services, and downstream of research products to realize a self-reliant and sovereign Indonesia in the health sector. 

FKG UGM will also continue to contribute to the nation by improving healthcare services to the community, prioritizing students from the 3T regions, and providing continuous support for the research of local health products, embodying the mission of FKG UGM to enhance the oral and dental health status of the Indonesian people through excellent education, impactful research, and community service.


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