
Dental Biomedical Sciences

Based on the Rector's Decree Number 17/P/SK/HT/2011 dated 6 January 2011, the Change of Name from the Department of Basic Dental Sciences to the Dental Biomedical Sciences Department was established and has now evolved into the Department of Dental Biomedical Sciences.

The Department of Dental Biomedical Sciences studies the principles of biomedical sciences as applied in the field of dentistry. In brief, Biomedical Sciences is a branch of medical science that utilizes the principles and basic knowledge of natural sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) to explain (1) living phenomena at the molecular, cellular, organ, and whole organism levels, their relationships with (2) diseases, and to find and develop (3) appropriate technologies and materials to prevent, treat, and restore damage caused by diseases. The scope of study includes: (1) Organization of the human body systems: Structure, Function, and Chemistry with supporting courses in Anatomy (Macro-anatomy), Histology (Micro-anatomy), Physiology, and Biochemistry, including Cellular and Molecular Biology; (2) Diseases: Etiology (causes), Mechanisms/Pathophysiology, and Structural Changes due to Diseases, Regeneration Processes, as well as Microbiology, Immunology – Toxicology, and Ancillary Examinations with supporting courses in Basic Pathology/Anatomical Pathology, Microbiology, Immunology-Toxicology, and Clinical Pathology; and (3) Technologies, Drugs, and Materials: Prevention, Treatment, and Restoration of damage caused by diseases with supporting courses in Pharmacology, Technology, including Tissue Engineering.

Head of the Department: drg.Asikin Nur, M.Kes., Ph.D.


To become a reference center for learning, research, community service, and scientific development in the field of Dental Biomedical Sciences.


  1. To conduct and develop high-quality education and teaching in the field of dental biomedical sciences for students and the community to support a multi-, inter-, and cross-disciplinary and comprehensive dental education in Indonesia.
  2. To conduct and develop research in the field of dental biomedical sciences that is beneficial and serves as a national and international reference.
  3. To conduct and develop community service based on dental biomedical sciences research that is beneficial and serves as a national and international reference in research and innovation.
  4. To develop good cooperation and activities, guided by good governance principles, to provide benefits to the community through dental biomedical sciences.

Research Focus


Identification and Mapping of Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Craniofacial Dentistry

(1) Anatomy and Embryology of Craniofacial Dentistry;

(2) Tissues and Functions of Craniofacial Dentistry;

(3) Disorders/Diseases and Regeneration Processes of Craniofacial Dentistry;

(4) Extracellular DNA, Histon-like, and Binding Proteins of Craniofacial Dentistry;

(5) Technology and Engineering of Synthetic Systems of Craniofacial Dentistry;

(6) Exploration and Mapping of Phytochemistry for Prevention and Regeneration of Craniofacial Dentistry, New Drug Discovery, and Drug Policy;

(7) Stem Cells and Their Derivatives for Prevention and Regeneration of Craniofacial Dentistry.

Development of Systems at the Molecular, Cellular, Tissue, and Organ Levels

(1) Mapping, Measurement, and Biomedical Interventions on Anatomical and Embryological Abnormalities;

(2) Interventions for Prevention of Tissue and Physiological Disorders of Craniofacial Dentistry;

(3) Prevention and Regeneration Systems of Disorders/Diseases of Craniofacial Dentistry;

(4) Development of Extracellular DNA, Histon-like, and Binding Proteins for Prevention and Regeneration of Craniofacial Dentistry;

(5) Fabrication of Technology and Engineering Synthetic Systems;

(6) Development of Phytochemistry for Prevention and Regeneration of Craniofacial Dentistry, New Drug Discovery, and Drug Policy;

(7) Development of Biomedical Methods for Utilizing Stem Cells and Their Derivatives.

Testing on Animal Models, Human Body, Reformulation, Policy Recommendations

(1) Testing Postulates, Formulations, and Prototypes on Animal Models and Humans;

(2) Translation with Relevant Clinical Departments;

(3) Development of Policy Recommendations at Individual and Community Levels Alongside Relevant Departments.


Prof. drg.Ika Dewi Ana, PhD.


Instagram: @biomedikakgugm
