

Latest News, SDG 4

Workshop on Integrating Flipped Classroom and MOOC as Innovative Methods in Dental Education

The Undergraduate Program in Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) organized a workshop titled “Integration of Flipped Classroom and MOOC for Active Learning” on 8–9 November 2024, at Grand Mercure, Solo Baru, Sukoharjo. The event was attended by program managers, course coordinators, topic managers, and faculty representatives from various subjects. The workshop aimed to introduce active learning methods tailored for dental students.  

During the workshop, lecturers and program managers learned how to implement the flipped classroom method. This approach allows students to independently study theoretical materials online before attending class, enabling face-to-face sessions to focus more effectively on discussions and problem-solving. Additionally, MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) were introduced as supplementary learning resources that could enrich course materials when integrated with this method. 

According to Dr. Irawan Endrayanto A, S.Si, M.Sc, the workshop participants were expected to understand the concept of blended learning, design online learning based on flipped learning principles, and utilize MOOCs as supplementary resources. Dr. Irawan emphasized the importance of faculty mastering educational technology to enhance student engagement and interaction during the learning process. The flipped classroom approach involves several stages. Before class, students review relevant materials provided by instructors, such as video lessons, references, and other resources. During class, students engage in discussions, problem-solving, or case analyses guided by the instructor, following a student-centered learning approach aligned with the predetermined learning outcomes. After class, students consolidate their knowledge through follow-up assignments and prepare for the next topic.  

The workshop covered various applications of technology in education, including traditional face-to-face learning, using the internet to access instructional materials, and fully online learning. Lecturers were also trained to utilize LMS (Learning Management Systems) to enhance teaching materials and improve the quality of classroom interaction.

This initiative aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 4: Quality Education. It highlights efforts to innovate teaching methods and broaden access to high-quality education. The program also aims to improve faculty competencies through the effective use of technology, fostering a more inclusive and student-oriented learning experience. 

Contributor: Dewi Harnum Arini | Author: Bagas Prakoso D 


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