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Beware of Cavities: FKG UGM Conducts Dental Checkups for 244 Students at SDN Petinggen

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) held a community service activity in the form of dental health education for 244 students at SDN Petinggen on Thursday, 16 May 2024 

Dental caries not only cause pain but can also lead to infections in other parts of the body, reduce productivity, interfere with concentration, affect appetite, and hinder children's nutritional growth. According to the 2018 Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) data, the prevalence of dental caries among children aged 3-4 years is 81.1%, for ages 5-9 years it is 92.6%, and for ages 10-14 years it is 73.4% 

The educational sessions covered topics such as dental and oral diseases in children, proper tooth-brushing techniques, and nutrition to support oral health. Following the education sessions, there was an increase in students' knowledge about how to maintain dental and oral health and their commitment to applying this knowledge in their daily lives.

Drg. Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto, MDSc., Sp.BMM.Subsp.I.D.M(K), head of the community service unit at FKG UGM, stated that this program would continue to reach more schools in Yogyakarta. “We hope that through this program, children can be free from cavities, especially the children in Yogyakarta,” said Drg. Yosaphat

Previously, the students of SDN Petinggen had never received dental health education at school. “We are very happy and grateful to FKG UGM for conducting this visit and dental health education, especially since this is the first time at our school,” said one of the teachers at SDN Petinggen 

This community service activity is also integrated with the Dental Health Education course at FKG UGM. The participating students had the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-life situations, adding value to their learning experience 

This community service initiative aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), the fourth pillar (Quality Education), and the tenth pillar (Reduced InequalitiesThrough these continuous efforts, it is hoped that a younger generation more aware of the importance of dental and oral health can be developed, thereby improving their overall quality of life

Author: Alysa | Editor: Fajar Budi Harsakti


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