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Beware of Cancer, UGM Faculty of Dentistry Educates the Gunungkidul Community

The number of cancer cases remains high. There are over 16 million cancer cases worldwide, with 354,864 of them being oral cancer, resulting in 177,384 deaths (GLOBOCAN Data, 2018). In Indonesia, the highest prevalence of oral cancer is found in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, with 4.86 cases per 1,000 population in 2018.

Based on this, the Master's Program in Dental Science at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), organized an educational event on early detection of oral cancer at Wonosari 2 Community Health Center on Saturday, 20 July 2024. This activity is part of efforts to prevent and detect cancer early, especially in the Gunungkidul area.

One way to prevent oral cancer is through “SAMURI,” which stands for Self-Examination of the Mouth. According to Dr. drg. Dewi Agustina, MDSc, this step is carried out to detect suspicious conditions in the oral cavity that may indicate malignancy. Common signs include persistent mouth ulcers, lumps on the gums that do not disappear, or a stiff or painful jaw. “If these signs appear, immediately visit a dentist for treatment,” Dewi advised.

Prof. Dr. drg. Juni Handajani, M.Kes., Ph.D., the Head of the Master's Program in Dental Science, expressed hope that this event could help reduce cancer incidence, particularly in the Gunungkidul area, which has seen an increasing trend in cancer cases. “This activity is part of our efforts at the Working Group Oral Cancer Dental Learning Center FKG UGM to raise public awareness about the importance of early cancer detection,” said Prof. Juni.

Edilburga Wulan Saptandari, a lecturer in Psychology at UGM, also encouraged participants to motivate family members, friends, or acquaintances diagnosed with cancer. She emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and staying calm during chemotherapy and other medical procedures.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Karminem, a cadre from Wonosari 2 Community Health Center, responded positively to this event. She stated that this activity is highly beneficial for health cadres to improve their ability in early cancer detection. The collaboration between FKG UGM and the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM was attended by 40 participants from the local community.

In addition to education on oral cancer, participants also received information on the prevention of breast cancer and cervical cancer, delivered by experts from FK-KMK UGM. dr. Dyah Laksmi Dewi, M.Sc., Sp.B, and dr. Pramudita Putri Dyatmika Mandegani, M.P.H., provided comprehensive insights into these two types of cancer.

Through activities like this, it is hoped that the community will become more aware of the importance of maintaining oral health and undergoing regular health check-ups. Early cancer detection is crucial in increasing the chances of recovery.

Author: Fajar Budi H. | Photo: Community Service Team


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