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KKI Visitation in Support of Active Operation of PPDGS Oral Disease Program at FKG UGM

FKG UGM welcomed the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI), which was represented by Prof. Dr. Drg. Melanie Hendriaty Sadono, M.Biomed, PBO, as the Chairperson of KKI, and Dr. Vonny Nouva Tubagus, Sp.Rad(K) as the Chair of the Education Division of KKI, accompanied by two members from the Professional Doctor and Dentist Education Standardization Working Group at the KKI Secretariat: drg. Erly Novita, Policy Analyst, and Hafrizal, S.Kom, First Expert Archivist. The visitation by KKI, held on Friday (10/11), was conducted to assess and monitor the feasibility of the specialized dental education program in oral diseases at FKG UGM.

The visitation commenced with an address by the Dean of FKG UGM, Prof. drg. Suryono, S.H., M.M., Ph.D. He expressed that establishing the Oral Disease PPDGS program had been advocated for over several deanery periods. He also expressed hope that the Oral Disease PPDGS program could be launched soon to fulfill the vision and mission of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Prof. Suryono emphasized his desire to prioritize development in fostered regions to facilitate specialized education, enabling graduates to contribute effectively to their communities. "This initiative requires support from the University and the Ministry of Health, thereby realizing the Ministry of Health's aspirations for health personnel equity through FKG UGM's contributions," he said. He added, "We have an Academic Health System implemented in fostered regions, namely in DIY, Central Java, and Kalimantan."

The UGM's Quality Assurance Team representative, Dr. Dyah Titisari Widyastuti, S.T., MUDD, expressed a similar sentiment. In her address representing the Rector, she noted that UGM is committed to contributing to developing dental sciences and issues in Indonesia, including oral diseases, as outlined in its vision and mission. "The field of oral diseases holds strategic value in healthcare delivery and plays a crucial role in geriatric diagnosis and management. Therefore, we expect the PPDGS program to produce specialized dental practitioners in oral diseases, a field currently in short supply," she explained. Furthermore, she affirmed that UGM, as a central education referral, adheres to rigorous procedures for program initiation. "Establishing these procedures is UGM's tangible step to ensure all programs maintain standardized quality, meeting university standards," she disclosed.

The session continued with a presentation on the Progress of Implementing Education Standards and Competencies for Specialist Dentists in Oral Diseases at FKG UGM by the Head of the Oral Disease Specialist Dentist Study Program before conducting an on-site inspection of the PPDGS Oral Disease facilities and infrastructure. The visitation and monitoring concluded with a session presenting conclusions and directives based on the KKI's supervision findings, culminating in the signing of the minutes.

During her remarks, KKI Chairperson Prof. Dr. drg. Melanie Hendriaty Sadono, M.Biomed, PBO, appreciated Universitas Gadjah Mada for its keen awareness, particularly in light of the issuance of Law No. 17 of 2023. She also evaluated FKG UGM's preparations for establishing the Oral Disease PPDGS. "Looking back at its history, DIKTI permission has existed for a long time." 

Regarding the National Standards for Medical Education as regulated by the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education through Regulation No. 18 of 2018, which encompasses 17 points of Professional Education Standards, she remarked, "Perhaps we have not yet fully observed all points at present, but we are moving toward all 17 standards." 

Furthermore, Prof. Melanie provided guidance and expressed hopes for future Oral Disease PPDGS candidates at FKG UGM. "We hope this program can soon fulfill its mission to produce leading specialist dentists in oral diseases specializing in geriatric patient diagnosis. Currently, Indonesia greatly needs specialist dentists in oral diseases, so the Oral Disease PPDGS must be ready to supply specialist dentists nationwide. May UGM continue to prosper and produce outstanding graduates for our nation," she concluded.


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