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School Dental Health Unit: UGM Faculty of Dentistry's Initiative to Improve Students' Oral Health

Maintaining dental and oral hygiene is often underestimated by many. If neglected, the consequences can significantly affect quality of life, especially for school-age children. Students from the Professional Dentistry Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) are conducting School Dental Health Unit (UKGS) activities at SDN Samirono on 13-14 June 2024.

The initiative aims to provide hands-on experience for students in diagnosing and preventing dental and oral health issues within the school environment, as well as to promote community-oriented health education. 

This field practice is conducted under the supervision of several faculty members, including drg. Fitrina Rachmadanty Siregar, MPH, drg. M. Fahmi Alfian, MPH, drg. Agatha Ravi Vidiasrartri, MPH, and drg. Achmad Zam Zam Aghasy, M.Kes.

“The students will conduct dental and oral health surveys for SDN Samirono students and provide education on preventive measures against dental and oral diseases,” said Drg. Fitrina Rachmadanty Siregar. The students will receive materials on proper tooth brushing techniques and will also undergo height and weight measurements. This will be followed by dental checkups performed by the students, after which they will participate in group tooth brushing sessions.

This activity is part of field practice designed to provide learning experiences for students based on the Dental Competency Standards (2015), particularly in domains I (Professionalism), V (Community Oral Health), and VI (Dental Practice Management).

The aim is to enhance understanding of the utilization of dental technology in a community service context. The dental profession is community-oriented, enabling students to understand and respond to public health needs in future health development. 

To enhance the quality of education, participants engage in field-based learning (PBL) to diagnose dental and oral health issues within the community and identify solutions through literature reviews. This field learning experience is implemented in schools to apply knowledge regarding dental and oral health surveys as preventive measures through the School Dental Health Unit. 

This initiative supports the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being, SDG 4 Quality Education, by providing relevant health education and interventions for elementary school students. Also supports SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals.

Author: Elisabet | Editor: Bagas Prakoso D.


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