


UKOMNAS PPDGS BMM at Faculty of Dentistry UGM Graduates 21 Competent Oral Surgery Specialists

The National Competency Test for the Dentist Education Program Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (UKOMNAS PPDGS BMM) was held once again. This time, PPDGS BMM FKG UGM had the honor of hosting the event. 

Held from Thursday to Friday, 2-3 May, 2024 at the Dental Learning Center building of FKG UGM, the UKOMNAS PPDGS BMM event this period was attended by 21 participants from FKG UGM (1 person), FKG UI (6 people), FKG Universitas Airlangga (6 people), and FKG Universitas Hasanuddin (8 people), namely:

  1. drg. Hendra Sukawijaksa (UGM)
  2. drg. Depsi Indri Papilaya (UI)
  3. drg. Ghina Humaira (UI)
  4. drg. Hendi Utomo Suhadi (UI)
  5. drg. Intan Noor Dhewayan (UI)
  6. drg. Raedi Mahardika (UI)
  7. drg. Victor Ercantez Pakpahan (UI)
  8. drg. Annisa Fardhani (UNAIR)
  9. drg. Defi Marizal (UNAIR)
  10. drg. I Gusti Putra Swabuana Purwoyudho (UNAIR)
  11. drg. Olivier Maron Sahetapy (UNAIR)
  12. drg. Redy Pristanto Putra (UNAIR)
  13. drg. Saifullah Amri (UNAIR)
  14. drg. Hanri (UNHAS)
  15. drg. I Gede Arya Wira Yudha (UNHAS)
  16. drg. Leliya Syamsoelily (UNHAS)
  17. drg. Maulana Muslim (UNHAS)
  18. drg. Nilawati (UNHAS)
  19. drg. Octavianus Kano Tapparan (UNHAS)
  20. drg. Rona Liansari Samad (UNHAS)
  21. drg. Yeyen Sutasmi (UNHAS)

All participants passed and are now entitled to hold the title and carry out competencies as oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists (Sp.BMM). The top rank was achieved by drg. Ghina Humaira with a total score of 95.1.

Chairman of the Indonesian Collegium of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Prof. Muhammad Ruslin, drg., M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.B.M.M., Subsp.Ortognat-D (K), conveyed his message to 21 graduates in his speech at UKOMNAS. "Congratulations to all graduates. Keep learning; don't assume that graduating means you are already an expert. Instead, each of you must continue to maintain your competence so that it improves every day. Maintain a humane and humble personal character," he said.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the Central Board of the Indonesian Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Association (PP PABMI) drg. Andri Tajrin, M.Kes., Sp.BMM, Subsp.C.O.M(K) reminded the graduates to maintain cohesiveness. "Although we come from different universities, in the field, we are one. Achieve the highest accomplishment and prove that dentists specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery are reliable."

The National Competency Test held at the Faculty is a significant step towards producing Indonesian dental health workers who are not only competent but also ready to serve the nation by improving the health status of Indonesian people in accordance with the third and fourth goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely Good Health and Well-Being and Quality Education.

Author: Nadia Fauzia 


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