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Competency Examination OSCE: FKG UGM Ready to Produce Competent Dentists

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) conducted the Competency Examination for Dentistry Profession Students (UKMP2DG) on 8 and 9 June 2024 at the Dental Learning Center (DLC) FKG UGM.

The examination was held in the form of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm WIB. The OSCE aims to ensure the clinical competency of dental graduates following the Indonesian Dental Competency Standards (SKDGI).

Before the examination began, the students received a briefing from the Head of the Dentistry Profession Program, Dr. drg. Rurie Ratna Shantiningsih, MDSc. She advised the students to remain calm and focused on the tested material.

"You have studied hard. Stay calm and focused, and you will surely pass this exam with good results," said Rurie.

Objective Structured Clinical Examinationis (OSCE) part of the assessment system in dental education, designed to evaluate the students' competence and clinical skills objectively and systematically. Students facing the OSCE must enter several stations, where each station presents them with questions and scenarios about clinical situations given by the examiners.

Students who will take the OSCE are required to enter several stations, where in each stage students are faced with questions and questions about clinical situations given by the examining lecturer.

“To become a competent dentist, students must first pass the OSCE to demonstrate their skills and competence,” said drg. Niswati, Secretary of the Dentistry Profession Program.

In addition to internal supervision by FKG UGM lecturers, the exam also received external oversight, including:

  • Dr. drg. Enrita Dian Rahmadini, Sp.KGA
  • drg. Tri Putriany Agustin, Sp.KGA
  • drg. Astrid Yudhit, M.Si
  • drg. Siti Bahirrah, Sp.Ort., Subsp.DDTK(K)

The strict supervision from internal and external examiners aims to ensure the integrity and quality of the examination process.

Thus, all participants are expected to take the exam honestly and achieve optimal results in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, 8, and 16. FKG UGM remains committed to producing highly competent and integrity-driven dental graduates ready to improve the Indonesian community's oral health.


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