

Latest News, SDG 3, SDG 4

Co-Assistant Exam for the Department of Public Health Dentistry

When the quality of dental health services is at stake, the competence of dentists becomes paramount. Healthcare professionals are required to possess skilled abilities and provide professional services. In response to this challenge, the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) continually strives to ensure that its graduates meet the required competency standards.

Recently, students from the Dental Profession Program participated in the Final Exam at the Department of Public Health Dentistry (IKGM). This exam is a crucial part of their academic journey before stepping into the professional world.

drg. Muhammad Fahmi Alfian, M.P.H., one of the instructors at the IKGM Department, explained that this exam assesses the readiness of prospective dentists to provide public health services. “This exam ensures that each graduate possesses strong clinical competencies and is prepared to face real-world challenges. We want them to become reliable healthcare professionals,” said Fahmi (18/9).

On the first day, students took the survey exam and practical exam. Then, on the second day, they faced case examinations. Students who achieved the minimum passing score are considered to have graduated and met the basic competencies of the IKGM Department. This activity is in line with the realization of the SGDs, especially SDG goal 3 Good Health and Welfare and SDG goal 4 Quality Education.

Author: Elisabeth | Editor : Bagas Prakoso


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