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Structured Scientific Activity (KIT) Examination for Implant Prosthetics (GTI) Batch IV at FKG UGM

On 2 June 2024, the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held the Structured Scientific Activity (KIT) Examination for Implant Prosthetics (GTI) for Batch IV. 

The Structured Dental Implant Education Program (PPIDT) is specially designed for general dentists with a minimum of two years of clinical experience. This six-month program commenced in February and will conclude in August 2023 at the Dental Learning Center (DLC) FKG UGM and RSGM UGM Prof Soedomo.

To ensure the production of highly competent graduates, the examination was supervised by both Internal and External Supervisors. The external supervisor from KDGI was Dr. Rosalina Tjandrawinata, M.Si., Ph.D., from Universitas Trisakti.

The internal supervisors from FKG UGM included specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery, periodontology, prosthodontics, and radiology, namely Drg. Pingky Krisna Arindra, Sp.BMM. (K), Drg. Vincensia Maria K, MDSc., Sp.Perio (K), Drg. Pramudya Aditama, MDSc., Sp.Pros., and Drg. Silviana Farah Diba, Sp.R.K.G (K).

Participants were required to undergo two types of examinations. The first was a Computer-Based Test (CBT) where theoretical knowledge about implant prosthetics was assessed using a computerized system. The second was a practical exam where participants performed implant placements on torso models. This practical exam evaluated the participants' skills in dental implant procedures.

Five participants attended this examination period: Drg. Marsela Anastasia Pranoto, Drg. Masjadi, Drg. Niken Kusumawati, MPH, Drg. Stevandy Praditya Suwardi, and Drg. Zikrima Shafarina. 

One of the participants, Drg. Niken expressed joy and gratitude for the opportunity to study at FKG UGM and complete the examination. “FKG UGM has competent instructors in their respective fields. They have patiently guided us throughout our studies here,” said Niken. 

“FKG UGM memiliki pengajar yang kompeten dibidangnya. mereka dengan sabar dalam membimbing kita selama menjalani studi disini”. ungkap Niken.

Upon passing the examination, as certified by the Indonesian Dental Association (KDGI), participants will receive a competency certificate recognizing their expertise in implant prosthetics. It is hoped that the examinees will pass successfully and make positive contributions to the field of implant prosthetics.

Kegiatan ini merupakan perwujudan komitmen FKG UGM dalam mendukung Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) terutama tujuan ke-3 (Good Health and Well-Being), tujuan ke-4 (Quality Education), dan tujuan ke-8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).


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