

Latest News, SDG 3

UGM Conducts Community Service Program in Pagilaran

Pagilaran, Batang – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) successfully held a community service program on 8–9 November 2024, in Pagilaran, Batang, Central Java. This initiative was led by doctoral students of the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) as part of their commitment to the university’s Tridharma principles and to address the health conditions of the local community, particularly the workers of PT. Pagilaran and nearby residents.

The program began with a Kick-Off Ceremony held in the multipurpose hall of PT. Pagilaran on the first day. On the second day, health examinations were conducted at two locations: the Laboratory of PT. Pagilaran and SDN 1 Keteleng.

At PT. Pagilaran’s Laboratory, the team provided dental examinations and treatments, including tooth extractions and fillings for adult patients. These procedures were carried out by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residents and professional dental students. 

Additionally, the UGM Academic Hospital team offered general health check-ups for PT. Pagilaran’s workers. The activities at this site were attended by 150 participants, comprising workers and local residents.

Meanwhile, at SDN 1 Keteleng, activities began with a communal breakfast featuring mung bean porridge, followed by interactive sessions such as group tooth-brushing, nutritional counseling, and dental care for children. 

Tooth extractions and fillings for students were performed by Pediatric Dentistry residents, professional students, and specialist dentists. The UGM Academic Hospital team also provided nutritional education for the students’ parents. A total of 91 students and their parents participated in this event.

Prof. Dr. drg. Widowati Siswomihardjo, M.S , one of the program’s initiators, expressed her concern about the declining health conditions of the Pagilaran community. 

"The deteriorating health conditions of Pagilaran residents and the suboptimal functioning of the local healthcare center deeply moved me to initiate this community service program. It reflects UGM’s commitment to improving healthcare for the Pagilaran community," said Prof. Widowati.

Through this program, UGM aims to enhance the quality of life for the Pagilaran community by strengthening primary healthcare services in the area. This initiative also aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all.

Authors: Hana Shafira, Fatkhul Falestine, Tryanindita, & Pram


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