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UGM Dental Visit 2024: Strengthening the Relationship Between UGM and UNEJ Dental Students

Jember, 15 September 2024 – To strengthen the bond among dental students, the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), through the Student Executive Board (BEM) KM FKG UGM, organized the “UGM DENTAL VISIT 2024.” The event took place at the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Jember (FKG UNEJ) and involved approximately 50 students from both universities. 

The UGM Dental Visit 2024, conducted by the Networking Department of BEM KM FKG UGM, was held on 15 September 2024, from 08:00 to 13:00 WIB. This event was the result of collaboration between the visitation work program of the External Department of BEM FKG UNEJ, carrying the theme “ Inside Our Minds: A Fun Ride with BEM FKG UNEJ to Discover the Secrets of Emotional Connections.” 

Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan tersebut diawali oleh upacara pembukaan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya, kemudian terdapat sambutan dari KEtua BEM KM FKG UGM, Fanani Luqman A., Presiden BEM FKG UNEJ, Afifatul Fitria, dan perwakilan dekanat FKG UGM, drg. Andi Muhammad Fuad Ansar. Sambutan dari pihak tuan rumah, diwakili oleh dosen kemahasiswaan FKG UNEJ, drg. Zahara Meilawaty, M.Kes. 

Pada sambutannya, drg. Andi Muhammad Fuad Ansar menyatakan atas kegembiraannya terhadap sambutan yang diberikan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen FKG UNEJ. “ Saya berharap dengan kunjungan ini, mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan diri melalui diskusi dan pemaparan materi. Selain itu, menciptakan hubungan baik antar universitas ini juga dapat terus terjalin”. 

drg. Fuad and Zahara Meilawaty, M.Kes., also emphasized the importance of maintaining good relations between the two faculties. “UGM feels like a second home to us. The family ties between FKG UGM and UNEJ are very strong, and I hope the students can continue to foster good relationships while exchanging ideas about academics and organizations,” he remarked. 

The event also included a focus group discussion (FGD) session aimed at strengthening relationships and collaboration among students from both universities through discussions relevant to their respective departments. The Chairperson of BEM FKG UGM, Fanani Luqman A., conveyed, “We are very happy to be here. Through these discussions and presentations, we hope that students can develop themselves and strengthen the relationship between BEM KM FKG UGM and BEM FKG UNEJ.” He also presented the organizational structure and work programs of BEM KM FKG UGM, including their flagship program, the Dental Project. 

Additionally, the Chairperson of BEM FKG UNEJ, Afifatul Fitria, expressed her excitement over the visit from UGM. “We hope our BEM members can exchange ideas and develop themselves through discussions and presentations. We also look forward to a reciprocal visit to FKG UGM in the coming years,” she stated. 

The initiatives undertaken by FKG UGM and FKG UNEJ indirectly aim to create better education in the future by facilitating discussions and fostering cooperation between faculties to establish sustainable good relationships. The successful execution of this event indirectly supports sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)  tujuan ke-17 (Partnership for the Goals) yang berfokus untuk memperkuat kemitraan global guna mencapai tujuan secara berkelanjutan, dan tujuan ke-4 yang berfokus pada peningkatan kualitas pendidikan secara berkelanjutan. 

Contributor: BEM FKG UGM | Editor : Bagas Prakoso D.


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