rsgm ugm

Faculty of Dentistry UGM's Dentist Profession Education and Specialist Dentist Education Accredited with Highest Accreditation

As of 9 September 2022, the Dentist Profession Education Facility and Specialist Dental Education at FKG UGM, namely the Prof. Soedomo Dental Hospital (RSGM) UGM, have been fully accredited. This follows the issuance of certificate number 008/SERT-AKR/LAM-KPRS/Set/IX/200 by the Hospital Accreditation Institute for Quality and Patient Safety (LAM-KPRS), awarding a 5-star rating (full accreditation) to RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo. RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo has also been designated the primary Educational Hospital for the Faculty of Dentistry UGM.
