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2018 Summer Course in Gerodontology: FKG UGM and Collaborators Learn Together to Provide Optimal Oral and Dental Health Services for the Elderly

The demographic changes in Indonesia following successful population control have shifted the population pyramid structure, predicting a demographic bonus starting in 2030. Concurrently, in line with Indonesia's Long-Term Development Plan (RPJP) focusing on enhancing human resource competitiveness, Indonesia stands to benefit from this demographic bonus. With improvements in knowledge, including health sectors and economic strengthening, life expectancy is predicted to increase, posing the subsequent challenge of an increased elderly population in Indonesia.

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) has been actively contributing to developing gerontological knowledge related to older people. A gerodontology research group has been established, actively conducting research, publishing papers, disseminating research findings to the elderly community, and participating in WHO international research on oral health for the elderly population. As healthcare providers, dentists need to understand the health profiles of older people, including degenerative conditions. A holistic and multidisciplinary approach is essential for dental and oral health services to elderly patients.

This background led to the organization of the Summer Course in Gerodontology: Sustaining High Quality of Life (QoL) of Elderly through Multidisciplinary-Holistic Dental Care as a multidisciplinary activity involving elderly experts from various fields and students from different countries exchanging knowledge on the elderly population and how to provide optimal care. This event marked the first short multinational course in gerodontology in Indonesia. It is hoped that through this initiative, FKG UGM can contribute more significantly and become a leader in gerodontology development in Indonesia.

From 19-28 March 2018, FKG UGM conducted a Dental Short Course on Gerodontology involving three international students, two from Kyushu University and one from Tokushima University. This activity was a pilot project for the subsequent Summer Course on Gerodontology. With the support of the Summer Course Implementation Grant from the UGM International Office, the Summer Course on Gerodontology from 20 August to 1 September 2018 involved 10 foreign speakers, 7 domestic speakers, 22 international students, and 10 local students. Speakers included doctors or dentists, sociology, psychology, pharmacy experts, and practitioners in elderly healthcare.

Participants were introduced to Indonesian culture, including a visit to Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java (right), and introduced their own culture during the Convivial Night (left).

At the beginning of the program, participants were introduced to the characteristics of the elderly population using various approaches, such as medical and nutritional health approaches, by Dr. Mas Suryalis Ahmad from Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia, and Dian Caturini, B.Sc., M.Sc. from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM, or pharmaceutical approaches by Dr. Balamurugan from the National Poison Center, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, in collaboration with Dr. Fita Rachmawati from the Faculty of Pharmacy, UGM. A comprehensive review of older people's dental and oral health profiles was also conducted, starting from clinical and epidemiological perspectives by drg. Goeno Subagyo, Sp.O.Path, Dr. drg. Dewi Agustina, MDSc., MDSc., and drg. Lisdrianto Hanindriyo, MPH, Ph.D. from FKG UGM, as well as Dr. Sayaka Tada from the National University of Singapore, to determine and provide dental and oral healthcare for elderly patients by Prof. Haruhiko Kashiwazaki from Kyushu University.

To understand the diagnosis and formulation of dental and oral care plans for elderly patients, participants were involved in Community Service at Panti Budhi Dharma, Yogyakarta. Guided by doctors from various Study Programs at FKG UGM, participants interacted directly with elderly patients, conducted medical histories, observed dental and oral examinations, and formulated treatment recommendations based on theories previously acquired. These cases were presented at the end of the program.

Psychological and sociological aspects of elderly population care cannot be overlooked. Undeniably, the decline in bodily functions due to aging processes can affect the psychological conditions of older people. Participants were encouraged by Dra to understand the psychological conditions that may be encountered and why and how to address them. Aisah Indati, MS.Psychologist, is experienced and active in activities related to elderly mental health development. In society, the elderly population also faces its dynamics, which certainly affects how messages or policies related to dental and oral health can be effectively conveyed to them. To provide an overview of this issue, Prof. Xiao Hong from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, provided a sociological study of the elderly population, one related to local culture.

Participants did not only discuss dental and oral health theoretically. To provide an experience of holistic and multidisciplinary examinations, participants were shown the geriatric assessment process at the Geriatric Clinic of RSUP Dr. Sardjito under the guidance of dr. I Dewa Putu Pramantara, Sp. PD-K.Ger. with the hope that participants could understand that reviewing elderly patients requires consideration from various fields and understanding the roles of dentists and dental hygienists in the team. From a service aspect, participants were trained in communication skills with elderly patients by Dr. Aminda Faizura bt Omat Khattab Khan from Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia, also an FKG UGM alumnus. In addition, participants also learned about elderly care from lecturers of the Nursing Study Program at FKKMK UGM, Sri Mulyani, S.Kep.NS.Mg.

Participants are students expected to play a role in the world of dental and oral health services in the future. Most of them are prospective dentists, and some are dental hygiene students. In terms of socio-entrepreneurship, the elderly population has its unique business potential. Learning from the experience of Dr. Jun Sasaki from Yushoukai Medical Corporation, Japan, the largest home-care clinic group in Tokyo, participants gained insights into the elderly-friendly clinic environment and how elderly healthcare services can be developed.

Challenges arising from the increase in the elderly population are not only faced by Indonesia. To learn from countries that have long experienced high elderly populations like Japan, participants were invited to learn about Japan's national policies on dental and oral health issues among older people from Prof. Kazuhiro Eto of Osaka University and how universities in Japan formulate Gerodontology curricula from Prof. Takeyasu Maeda of Niigata University. To gain a more global perspective, participants also discussed with Prof. Hiroshi Ogawa about WHO policies on elderly oral health issues. Prof. Hiroshi Ogawa is a lecturer at Niigata University and is actively involved in the WHO Collaborating Center for Translational of Oral Health Science.

Considering the potential challenges in the future and the complexity of issues with the elderly population, it is time to intensify gerodontology efforts. As emphasized by Prof. Kazuhiro Eto, FKG UGM is expected to continue fostering Gerodontology development activities in the future so that Gerodontology can evolve scientifically and formulate public policy recommendations related to elderly dental and oral health.

Participants of the Summer Course on Gerodontology Batch 2, 2018, interacted with Wisma Perkutut, Panti Budhi Dharma residents, Giwangan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta.

Participants of the Summer Course on Gerodontology Participants of the Summer Course on Gerodontology with the organizing committee and instructors, Prof. Kazuhiro Eto from Tokyo Medical and Dental University Japan, and Prof. Xiao Hong from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, Dra. Aisah Indati, MS from the Faculty of Psychology UGM, and accompanying dentists conducted community service at Panti Budi Dharma


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