

Latest News, SDG 4

Scoping Review Strategy

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) collaborated with the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK-KMK UGM) to hold an academic support event focused on introducing library services and scoping review strategies on Friday, 27 September 2024. 

In this event, Desy Natalia Anggorowati, SIP, a representative from the FKG UGM Library, presented various services available to support students' academic activities. “We provide access to national and international journals, as well as Turnitin services for plagiarism checks. Additionally, students can use the OPAC system to search for book collections and access digital libraries,” Desy stated during her session.

Meanwhile, Dra. Ngesti Gandini, M.Hum from FK-KMK UGM, provided material on effective information search strategies, particularly in support of research based on scoping reviews. According to her, students need to understand how to systematically search for information to produce quality research. “A good search strategy is essential, especially in the scoping review process, which is one of the important methods in scientific literature,” she explained.

This event aimed to enhance students' information literacy, particularly in optimizing the use of library facilities available at FKG UGM. Students were also encouraged to better understand various supporting services, such as access to scholarly journals and facilities for finding literature relevant to their research.

Pengenalan layanan ini diharapkan dapat mendukung mahasiswa dalam menghasilkan karya ilmiah yang bermanfaat, sesuai dengan standar akademik internasional. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga berkontribusi pada pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) tujuan ke-4 tentang Pendidikan Berkualitas. 

With improved information literacy and access to broader academic resources, it is hoped that students will contribute to the development of inclusive and sustainable knowledge. The collaboration between FKG UGM and FK-KMK UGM in this activity highlights the important role of libraries as learning centers that support sustainable research and education.

Authors: Desy Natalia, Pram


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