

Latest News, SDG 9

Smart Building: A Smart Solution for a Sustainable Campus

The Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), is undergoing a transformation with the implementation of a smart buildingssystem. This modern concept integrates advanced technology to enhance operational efficiency, comfort, and security. 

A smart building leverages modern technology to manage systems such as lighting, heating, air conditioning, and security through automation and remote management. Connected devices and sensors linked via the internet enable real-time data collection to improve efficiency and user comfort.

According to Buana Yaksa Surya Atmaja, S.T., M.Eng, Coordinator of Facilities and Infrastructure at FKG UGM, six key characteristics define a smart building. First, Internet of Things (IoT) Technology. Devices connected to the internet enable automated control of key building systems. "These sensors continuously send real-time data, facilitating the monitoring and adjustment of facilities to create optimal comfort for occupants," he explained on Wednesday (16/10).

Second, Energy Efficiency Management. A standout feature includes an automatic lighting system that adjusts intensity based on occupancy. Temperature settings are also adjusted according to weather conditions or specific times, minimizing energy overuse.

Third, Security Systems. Security enhancements at FKG UGM include automated access control, integrated CCTV, fire alarms, and threat detection systems. All security systems can be monitored and managed remotely, ensuring the safety of all campus occupants.

Fourth, Occupant Comfort. smart buildings technology ensures comfort for occupants by automatically adjusting temperature, lighting, and ventilation based on preferences or environmental conditions.

Fifth, Data Collection and Analysis. All systems continuously collect data from various sensors for further analysis. This data is crucial for understanding building usage patterns, identifying inefficiencies, and planning more effective building maintenance.

Sixth, Remote Monitoring and Control. Building managers can monitor and control all systems remotely using specialized software, simplifying daily operational management without requiring a physical presence on-site.

FKG UGM is committed to leading the way in utilizing technology to create an environmentally friendly and sustainable campus, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. By integrating advanced technology, the smart buildings initiative at FKG UGM underscores a strong commitment to sustainability and innovation. This approach not only enhances comfort and security but also supports energy efficiency and more effective building maintenance. 

Authors: Buana Yaksa, Pram


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