

Latest News, SDG 17, SDG 4

Educational Seminar: Biological and Physiological Conditions of the Oral Cavity and Physiotherapy Efforts for Children with Down Syndrome

On 22 September 2024, the second seminar with the theme "Biological and Physiological Conditions of the Oral Cavity and Physiotherapy Efforts for Children with Down Syndrome" featured expert speaker Dr. drg. Alma Linggar Jonarta, M.Kes., from the Doctoral Program in Dental Science at FKG UGM. This seminar focused on the biological and physiological conditions of the oral cavity in children with Down Syndrome and the crucial role of physiotherapy in supporting their physical development.

“Dental care for children with Down Syndrome requires a special approach due to the unique biological and physiological conditions of their oral cavity. It is important for parents to understand how to maintain their children's oral health to prevent more serious complications in the future,” explained Dr. Alma Linggar Jonarta.

The seminar aimed to provide deeper insights to parents and medical professionals on how to optimally care for the oral health of children with Down Syndrome. In addition, parents were encouraged to recognize early signs of dental and oral health issues and the importance of implementing preventive measures early on. These efforts are expected to reduce the risk of future complications and improve the quality of life for children with Down Syndrome through continuous and targeted care.

POTADS as an Information and Education Center for Parents of Children with Down Syndrome Down Syndrome
POTADS Bontang, the organizer of this event, is a foundation dedicated to providing information and support to parents of children with Down Syndrome. With activities like this seminar, POTADS aims to be a center of information and activities that help parents better understand Down Syndrome, as well as provide guidance on educating and caring for their children. The event received positive feedback from participants, who expressed that the information presented was highly beneficial in helping them understand their children's special needs. Such activities are expected to continue and expand, given the importance of education in improving the quality of life for children with Down Syndrome.

“This activity is part of our commitment to continuously support parents in better understanding their children’s conditions, particularly in maintaining oral health and performing necessary physical care,” said the Chairman of POTADS Bontang.

Authors: Rieza zulfahmi Taftazani, Suci Agustina, Al Haqi Insan Pratama


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