Information & Guidelines
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Curriculum Information
Compulsory Courses
No | New Code | Course Name in Indonesian | Course Name in English | CREDITS | Group | Type | Semester |
1 | KGWKG220101 | Philosophy of Science | Phylosophy of Science | 2 | MKDU | Compulsory | 1 |
2 | KGWKG220102 | Biostatistika | Biostatistics | 2 | MKDU | Compulsory | 1 |
3 | KGWKG220103 | Research Methodology | Research Methodology | 2 | MKDU | Compulsory | 1 |
4 | KGWKG220104 | Hilirisasi Riset Berbasis Roadmap | Roadmap based – Research downstreaming | 2 | MKDU | Compulsory | 1 |
5 | KGWKG220305 | Aplikasi Metodologi Penelitian | Research Methodology Application | 2 | MKDU | Compulsory | 3 |
6 | KGWKG220406 | Disertasi | Dissertation | 28 | MKDU | Compulsory | 4 |
Elective Courses
No | New Code | Course Name in Indonesian | Course Name in English | CREDITS | Group | Type | Semester |
1 | KGPKG220201 | Pengantar Biomaterial | Introduction of Biomaterial | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
2 | KGPKG220202 | Karakterisasi dan Sintesis Biomaterial | Charaterization and synthesis of biomaterial | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
3 | KGPKG220203 | Polimer | Polymers | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
4 | KGPKG220204 | Sifat Biomaterial (Fisik Mekanik Kimia Biokompatibilitas) | Biomaterial Properties (Physical, Mechanical, Chemical, Biocompatibility) | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
5 | KGPKG220205 | Imunologi | Immunology | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
6 | KGPKG220206 | Microbiology | Microbiology | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
7 | KGPKG220207 | Teknik Laboratorium, Pemodelan dan Pengujian | Laboratory Techniques, Modelling and Testing | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
8 | KGPKG220208 | Manajemen dan Pelayanan Kesehatan | Health Management and Service | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
9 | KGPKG220209 | Biologi Sel Molekular | Cell Biology – Molecular | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
10 | KGPKG220210 | Oral Biology | Oral Biology | 2 | MKK | PIlihan | 2/3 |
11 | KGPKG220211 | Patogenesis Penyakit | Pathogenesis of Disease | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
12 | KGPKG220212 | Tumbuh Kembang | Growth and Development | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
13 | KGPKG220213 | Pediatric Dentistry | Pedodontics | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
14 | KGPKG220214 | Anak Kebutuhan Khusus | Children with Special Needs | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
15 | KGPKG220215 | Prosthodontics | Prosthodontics | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
16 | KGPKG220216 | Asuransi Kesehatan | Health Insurance | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
17 | KGPKG220217 | Farmasi dan Farmakologi | Pharmacy and Pharmacology | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
18 | KGPKG220218 | Patogenesis Karies dan Jaringan Pulpa | Pathogenesis of Caries and Pulp Tissues | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
19 | KGPKG220219 | Kedokteran Gigi Masyarakat dan Epidemiologi | Dental Public Health and Epidemiology | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
20 | KGPKG220220 | Radiologi dan Pencitraan | Radiology and Imaging | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
21 | KGPKG220221 | Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan | Learning and Education | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
22 | KGPKG220222 | Orthodonsia | Orthodontics | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
23 | KGPKG220223 | Keperawatan | Nursing | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
24 | KGPKG220224 | Biochemistry | Biochemistry | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
25 | KGPKG220225 | Biotechnoloogy | Biotechnology | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
26 | KGPKG220226 | Pengolahan Data | Data Processing | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
27 | KGPKG220227 | Kapita Selekta | Capita Selecta | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
28 | KGPKG220228 | Psikologi | Psychology | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
29 | KGPKG220229 | Hukum Kesehatan | Health Law | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
30 | KGPKG220230 | Sistem Informasi | Information system | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
31 | KGPKG220231 | Periodontologi | Periodontology | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
32 | KGPKG220232 | Biomedicine | Biomedicine | 2 | MKK | Elective | 2/3 |
Other Information
The Decree (SK) regarding the Determination of the Doctoral Program Curriculum in Dental Sciences can be downloaded through the following link.