Study Program

Doctor of Dental Medicine

Doctoral Study Program in Dental Sciences at FKG UGM is an educational program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) at the doctoral level (Strata 3) to obtain a Doctoral degree in Dental Sciences. The operational permit for this program has been in effect since the academic year 2007/2008 under the decree number 153/DIKTI/Kep/2007 and it is accredited as EXCELLENT according to Decree No. 0911/LAM-PTKES/Akr/Dok/XI/2022 dated 10 November 2022.
This program applies a research-based curriculum that focuses on outcomes, also known as Outcome-Based Education (OBE). The Research-Based Curriculum integrates lectures, community service (PkM), and research as its outcomes.
Aligned with its vision, the Doctoral Program emphasizes research as the spearhead in carrying out the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi). This is in line with UGM's vision, mission, and goals, as well as the General Policy of UGM from 2012 to 2037, which emphasizes postgraduate education as the backbone of knowledge development.

Head of Study Program: Prof. Dr. drg. Widowati Siswomihardjo, M.S.

General Mission

To conduct research-based learning and community service.

Specific Missions

  1. Enhance education, research, and community service activities to world-class standards, with a national identity, and based on excellence and local richness.
  2. World-class community service is an effort to implement dental sciences in addressing global community health issues in dental and oral health, conducted collaboratively with experts and scientists from various disciplines, including international partners.
  3. Develop a quality research-based doctoral education curriculum in the field of dental and oral health towards international recognition.
  4. Develop directions and policies for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research to support quality research-based doctoral education in dental and oral health.
  5. Develop optimal learning facilities to support quality research-based doctoral education in dental and oral health.
  6. Develop broader national and international collaborations to support quality research-based doctoral education in dental and oral health.
  7. Develop good governance of the doctoral education program to become a study program that supports the missions of the faculty and university.


The Doctoral Program in Dental Sciences curriculum is designed according to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) level 9. Upon completing the Doctoral Program in Dental Sciences, the expected outcomes for alumni are:

  1. High integrity and broad perspective
  2. Basic knowledge and necessary skills to create new theories or methodologies that can be used for the benefit of society
  3. Comprehensive ability to develop science to communicate thoughts and collaborate through research and service, and disseminate their work to peers and society (lecturers and researchers).

Graduate learning outcomes include attitudes, general abilities, general skills, and specific skills.

Information & Guidelines
Doctor of Dental Medicine Study Program


Office Address: Jl.Denta 1, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia


Contact: 082174144227 ( Doctoral Study Program Secretariat/Admin)
