Examination Objectives

Examinations are conducted with the aim of:

  1. To assess the level of students' achievement of the learning outcomes of the specified course topics.
  2. To evaluate students' understanding of the learning material and assignments given.
  3. To assess students' abilities or competencies in participating in educational activities.
  4. Evaluating instructors and the learning process.


Examination System

Exams are conducted in written and oral forms in the form of quizzes (practicum exams), topic exams, and end-of-semester exams. Students can take exams if they meet the following requirements:

  1. Registered in the respective course topics in the current semester (as evidenced by the Study Plan).
  2. Attended classes for at least 75% of the total lecture time


Practicum exams or quizzes are organized by the practicum coordinator, while thesis exams are conducted by an examination team consisting of FKG UGM lecturers and/or examiners from outside FKG UGM. The thesis exam is conducted involving a minimum of 3 examiners, consisting of the main supervisor, co-supervisor, and examiner.

Exam procedures are adjusted according to the nature of the educational activities and the number of students. Main exams are conducted according to the academic schedule. Make-up exams can be taken by students who cannot attend the main exam (conditions are regulated by the Dean's Decree). Students are also given the opportunity to take improvement exams, the implementation of which is regulated by the Dean's Decree.

Results of topic/course exams that are not listed in the Study Plan are considered invalid, and the exam is considered canceled. Students can view exam results in the form of final grades through the student portal at: https://simaster.ugm.ac.id.


Examination Rules

Rules for exam participants are as follows:

  1. Dress neatly and properly, do not wear t-shirts, jackets, or sandals.
  2. Be present in the exam room 10 minutes before the exam starts.
  3. Latecomers beyond half of the allotted time are not allowed to take the exam.
  4. Mobile phones must be turned off during the exam.
  5. Bags should be placed in designated areas.
  6. Bring Student ID and Exam Participant Card.
  7. Occupy the designated seat as per the assigned number.
  8. Do not move or change seats.
  9. Sign the attendance sheet.
  10. Do not leave the exam room before the exam time is up, except with the permission of the exam supervisor. Students agree to accept sanctions if found cheating (cheating or other misconduct), which will be reported in the report, and the exam results will be considered invalid.
  11. Matters not specified in these exam rules will be regulated later.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, exams are conducted online. Online exam regulations are determined by the Undergraduate Program in Dentistry and are included in the course module.


Make-Up Examination

Make-up exams are possible for students who cannot take the main exam, and the conditions are regulated by the Dean's Decree Number 2442/SK/KG/PP/2010, and the time is scheduled according to the academic calendar.

Students eligible for Make-Up Exams include:

  1. Students who experienced an accident or illness during the exam, supported by an official doctor's note with valid practice permission.
  2. Biological parents or step-parents, or siblings who are seriously ill or deceased, supported by a letter from the competent authority (village head, attending doctor, hospital, etc.).
  3. Students given permission and/or assigned by the Dean and/or Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada to carry out university or faculty missions.
  4. Other reasons deemed acceptable by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.


Procedure to take Make-Up Exams:

  1. Students submit an application to the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, attaching written evidence of one or more of the above items to obtain approval. Then, the Academic and Student Affairs Division will send a letter to the Study Program and Person in Charge of the Topic to conduct the make-up exam for the concerned student.
  2. Students contact the relevant instructor by submitting written evidence of one or more of the above items.
  3. The submission for a make-up exam is no later than 1 week after the end of the exam period for each semester.


If there are regulations not specified in this guide, they will be regulated later between the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and the Head of the Study Program and related Person in Charge of the Topic.


Remedial Examination

As per the Dean's Decree Number: 69/UN1/SK/KG/KP/2021, three remedial exams are conducted within an academic year:

  1. Remedial exam for odd semesters;
  2. Remedial exam for even semesters; and
  3. Remedial exam between semesters.


General conditions for taking remedial exams are as follows:

  1. Remedial exams for a course/topic must be attended by a minimum of 10 students. If the participants are fewer than the minimum, the cost should be borne equivalent to 10 exam participants.
  2. The maximum grade obtainable is an A/B for students taking the Remedial Exam for the first time and a maximum B for students taking subsequent Remedial Exams.
  3. The Remedial Exam fee is Rp20,000.00 per credit.
  4. Students eligible to take the Remedial Exam must have completed the mid-semester exam/topic and end-of-semester exam for the course/topic to be taken in the Remedial Exam. If the topic/course includes a practicum, the practicum must have been declared passed by the Person in Charge of the Topic/Course.


The regulations for odd and even semester remedial exams are as follows:

  1. Remedial Exams are held at the end of each odd and even semester.
  2. The courses taken in the remedial exams are limited to those listed in the Study Plan for the last semester taken.
  3. The final grade used will be the best grade obtained.


Remedial exams between semesters are conducted at the end of the even semester (before the odd semester). The regulations for remedial exams between semesters are as follows:

  1. The courses/topics taken in remedial exams between semesters are not limited to the last semester's Study Plan; students can take courses from both odd and even semesters.
  2. The minimum credit units that can be taken in remedial exams between semesters are 9 credits (including 3 credits for Community Service).
  3. Remedial exams between semesters use a separate Study Plan, and the grades will be input as interim semester grades.


Assessment System

The study results are assessed using the Benchmark Assessment System (Criteria-based Assessment or Absolute Benchmark Assessment). The determination of final grades for all Courses and Topics is based on the Decision of the Dean of FKG UGM No. 172/SK/FKG/KR/2021 regarding the Benchmark Assessment Criteria for the Undergraduate Program in Dentistry as listed below:

Grade Grade Points Grade Range
A 4 76 – 100
A- 3,75 73 – 75,9
A/B 3,5 71 72,9
B+ 3,25 68-70,9
B 3 65 – 67,9
B- 2,75 62 – 64,9
B/C 2,5 59 – 61,9
C+ 2,25 56 – 58,9
C 2 53 – 55,9
C- 1,75 50 – 52,9
C/D 1,5 47 – 49,9
D+ 1,25 44 – 46,9
D 1 41 – 43,9
E 0 0 – 40,9