Thesis Registration Requirements

  1. Thesis is submitted after the student has completed at least 96 credits. For students in the Undergraduate Program in Dentistry, they must have completed or are currently taking the courses on Scientific Writing I and II.
  2. Students who have registered for thesis work must fill out the Thesis Study Plan (KRS) form. Considering the study period and the maximum credit limit per semester on the KRS (up to 24 credits), the thesis KRS is filled out in the seventh semester.


Thesis Registration Mechanism

There are several schemes for submitting a thesis, including regular thesis, achievement thesis, Community Service Program (PKM) thesis, thesis for foreign students, cross-department thesis supervision, and thesis for students who have received warning letters. Thesis registration is done at the time specified by the faculty.


Declaration Letter

Before starting the thesis preparation process, students are required to submit a statement of willingness to comply with the thesis regulations and dental scientific ethics, which include:

  1. Adhering to the thesis preparation regulations set by FKG UGM.
  2. No plagiarism
  3. Not violating copyright
  4. Not violating research ethics
  5. Willingness to accept sanctions for any violations.


The statement is made in triplicate, with distribution as follows:

  1. The original document with stamp duty is submitted to the academic section of each program.
  2. Copies are submitted to the thesis coordinator and kept by the student.


Mechanism for Assigning Thesis Supervisors and Examiners

The mechanism for assigning thesis supervisors includes:

  1. The thesis coordinator appoints the main supervisor, co-supervisor, and thesis examiner according to each department/program's policy.
  2. Khusus untuk mahasiswa yang mengambil skripsi dari hasil PKM-P, pembimbing utama adalah pembimbing PKM-P, sedangkan pembimbing pendamping dan dosen penguji ditentukan oleh pembimbing utama dengan persetujuan wakil dekan bidang akademik dan kemahasiswaan serta dapat berasal dari departemen yang berbeda dengan pembimbing utama.
    For students who work on a thesis from a Community Service Program (PKM-P), the main supervisor is the PKM-P supervisor. The co-supervisor and thesis examiner are determined by the main supervisor with approval from the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and may come from a different department than the main supervisor. If the PKM-P supervisor does not meet the requirements to be the main supervisor, they automatically become the co-supervisor. Selection of the PKM thesis examiner is coordinated among the main supervisor, co-supervisor, and PKM thesis coordinator with approval from the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs to determine examiners with relevant expertise.
  3. For cross-department thesis supervision, the main supervisor is a lecturer who has agreed to act as the main supervisor. Selection of the co-supervisor is coordinated between the main supervisor and the head of the study program, while the thesis examiner is determined through coordination among the main supervisor, co-supervisor, and the head of the study program.
  4. The thesis coordinator may replace a supervisor with another lecturer from the same department/program if the student does not show progress within 1 semester from the thesis assignment date.
  5. Replacement of supervisors and/or examiners for PKM and cross-department thesis students is coordinated among the main supervisor, co-supervisor, and the head of the study program.


Mechanism for Returning Thesis Students

  1. Students may be returned to the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs from the designated department for thesis preparation and transferred to another department if:
    1. The student has not completed the thesis proposal within 1 year (2 semesters) for Dentistry and 1.5 years (3 semesters) for Dental Hygiene, starting from the thesis assignment date.
    2. The student has not completed the thesis within 2 years (4 semesters) after thesis assignment.
  2. Students in the department can be returned to the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs through the following mechanism:
    1. The thesis coordinator proposes to the department to return the student as mentioned in point 1.
    2. The department chair then sends a letter to the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs regarding the return of the student.
    3. The selection of replacement supervisors and examiners for students whose theses are returned to the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs is subsequently carried out by the program.


Duties and Obligations of Thesis Students

  1. Students must fill out the thesis registration form available in the academic and student affairs section.
  2. Students must create an outline for the thesis proposal.
  3. Students must accept the assignment of thesis preparation to the designated department/program decided by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.
  4. Students must follow the instructions of the main supervisor and co-supervisor in thesis preparation.
  5. Students must adhere to the scheduled thesis consultation meetings.
  6. Students must fill out a logbook, adhere to the written activity plan, and get the supervisor's signature after each consultation.
  7. Students actively prepare a plan to complete the thesis.
  8. Students are required to submit a statement of willingness to comply with the thesis regulations and dental scientific ethics before starting the thesis preparation process.
  9. Students are willing to sign a statement of willingness to complete the thesis according to the applicable rules.
  10. Students must conduct a proposal seminar and thesis examination.
  11. Students must distribute their thesis to the FKG UGM library, department/PSHG library, main supervisor, and co-supervisor.


Mechanism for Thesis Proposal Seminar

Students are required to conduct a thesis proposal seminar.

Preparation phase:

  1. The seminar proposal manuscript must be signed by both supervisors as a sign of approval.
  2. Students intending to conduct the seminar report to the thesis coordinator.
  3. The thesis coordinator sets the schedule for the seminar.
  4. Distribution of the proposal manuscript must be done at least 3 days before the seminar.


Execution phase:

  1. During the seminar, students must wear casual, neat, and proper attire.
  2. Students are advised not to provide refreshments.
  3. The proposal seminar is attended by the main supervisor, co-supervisor, thesis examiner, other lecturers as contributors, and participating students from the department/PSHG to provide feedback.
  4. The proposal seminar must last at least 60 minutes (15 minutes presentation, 45 minutes Q&A).
    Hasil seminar proposal skripsi berupa rekomendasi kelayakan untuk dapat dilanjutkan ke tahap penelitian atau penyusunan review.


Thesis Examination Mechanism

Preparation phase:

  1. The thesis examination manuscript must be signed by both supervisors as a sign of approval.
  2. Students intending to conduct the thesis examination report to the thesis coordinator.
  3. The thesis coordinator selects the thesis examiner(s) and sets the thesis examination schedule.
  4. The thesis coordinator informs the thesis examination schedule to the supervisors and examiners.
  5. Distribution of the thesis examination manuscript must be done at least 3 days before the examination.


Execution phase:

  1. During the examination, students must wear casual, neat, and proper attire.
  2. Students are advised not to provide refreshments.
  3. The thesis examination must be attended by three examiners consisting of the main supervisor (as chair), co-supervisor (as secretary), and one examiner. If there are special circumstances preventing one examiner from attending, the arrangement is left to the respective department/PSHG.
  4. The chair of the examination committee has full authority to make decisions and assessments in case of discrepancies among examiners.
  5. The thesis examination must last at least 60 minutes (15 minutes presentation, 45 minutes examination).
  6. The examination results (pass or revise) are publicly announced by the examination committee chair immediately after the examination.
  7. The summary of the thesis examination scores is submitted by the examination committee chair to the thesis coordinator in the department/PSHG after the examination.
  8. Thesis manuscript revisions must be completed within 1 month after the examination.
  9. The thesis grade is issued by the thesis coordinator after the student submits the bound thesis signed by both supervisors.
  10. As a requirement for graduation, the thesis grade and bound thesis signed by both supervisors and approved by the Dean must be received by the Academic and Student Affairs section no later than one day before graduation. Students must also complete the upload of the thesis file and publication manuscript according to the guidelines set by UGM.


Thesis Assessment

Thesis assessment covers the following aspects:

  1. Thesis writing content, including aspects such as problem background, problem statement, research/review objectives, research/review benefits, literature review, theoretical framework, hypothesis (for analytical research), research/review method, results analysis, discussion, conclusions, recommendations, as well as language and writing style.
  2. Presentation and examination (testing the student's ability to present and defend the thesis material).
  3. The thesis examination grade is written in numerical form and then transferred to letter grades as follows:
    A = 4,0
    A- = 3,75
    A/B = 3,5
    B+ = 3,25
    B = 3
    B- = 2,75
    B/C = 2,5
    C+ = 2,25
    C = 2,0


Mechanism for Monitoring and Evaluating Thesis Implementation

To continuously monitor thesis implementation, students are required to follow these monitoring steps:

  1. Creating a thesis work plan following the agreed-upon rules.
  2. Creating and filling out monitoring sheets for the proposal drafting stage, following the agreed-upon rules.
  3. Creating and filling out monitoring sheets for the research implementation stage, following the agreed-upon rules.
  4. Creating and filling out monitoring sheets for the final thesis stage, following the agreed-upon rules.
  5. The thesis monitoring logbook must always be brought to consultations or guidance sessions with the main supervisor or co-supervisor to obtain their signatures.
  6. Conducting the proposal seminar and completing proposal revisions no later than 1 month after the seminar/examination.
  7. Conducting the research after completing thesis proposal revisions.


Publication of Research Results

Research results to be published must meet the following criteria:

  1. Research results to be published must be approved by the supervisors.
  2. Writing style, structure, and other publication requirements must comply with the editorial policy of the targeted journal or online portal.
  3. The manuscript to be published must be revised and approved by the thesis supervisors.
  4. Published theses must include the main supervisor and co-supervisor as co-authors, and Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Gadjah Mada as the affiliation as per the guidelines in the Universitas Gadjah Mada Rector Regulation Number 16 of 2018 regarding publication authorship of scientific works.
  5. Students must report and provide evidence to the thesis coordinator in the department/PSHG if the published thesis has been accepted by the targeted journal or online portal.
  6. Published theses cannot be republished.
  7. If later on, the published thesis is proven to be plagiarized or published without the knowledge of the thesis supervisors, then depending on the severity of the offense, students are willing to accept sanctions as per the applicable regulations. The Indonesian Ministry of Education Regulation Number 17 of 2010 states:
    "Plagiarism is an intentional or unintentional act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit or value for scientific work, by citing all or part of another party's work or scientific work as one's own, without indicating the source accurately and adequately."