Examination System and Objectives

Examination System
Examinations are conducted in written and oral formats. The type of examination conducted is adjusted to the nature of educational activities and the number of students.

Examination Objectives
Examinations are conducted with the aim of:

  1. Assessing the extent to which students understand the material taught or assigned to them.
  2. Assessing students' abilities or competencies in participating in educational activities.
  3. Evaluating instructors and the learning process.


Examinations are held at least twice, with one mid-semester examination and one end-of-semester examination. The implementation of mid-semester and end-of-semester exams for educational activities is regulated by the Academic and Student Affairs Section and is adjusted to the university's academic calendar. Additionally, students are allowed to take makeup exams under certain conditions. Practicum exams or quizzes are regulated by the person in charge of the practicum.

During exams, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Registered for the respective course in the current semester.
  2. Attended classes for at least 75% of the total lecture time


Exam results are announced openly or posted on notice boards. Exam results for courses not listed in the Study Plan (KRS) are considered invalid, and the exam is deemed null and void.


Assessment System

Assessment uses a relative and absolute assessment system (PAP). In a competency-based curriculum, assessment standards are based on predefined criteria called Benchmark Assessments (PAP) or criterion-referred assessments. The PAP-based assessment method is used to assess students' abilities absolutely against a predefined standard called the passing grade or minimum mastery level. Instructors must establish this standard before the start of the learning process. Students who achieve or surpass this standard are considered to have passed, while those who do not meet it are considered to have failed.

Furthermore, relative assessment evaluates the performance of all students in a class and is used as the basis for assessment. The assessment system must be able to classify students into groups based on academic abilities.

Students who have not completed their assignments are given an "K" grade. If, one month after the grades are announced, the requirements are still not met, the "K" grade is changed to an "E" grade. Students who improperly withdraw receive an "E" grade. However, after the final exam grades are released, students still have the opportunity to take a makeup exam, the implementation of which is left to each course instructor.

The criteria for achieving standard material based on the PAP method are described in the following table.


Grade Points

Grade Range (PAP)






72,5 – 74,9



70,0 – 72,4



67,5 – 69,9



65,0 – 67,4



62,5 – 64,9



60,0 – 62,4



57,5 – 59,9



55,0 – 57,4



52,5 – 54,9



50,0 – 52,4



47,5 – 49,9



45,0 – 47,4





Examination Rules

  • Dress neatly, politely, and avoid wearing t-shirts, jackets, or sandals.
  • Arrive at the exam room 10 minutes before the exam begins.
  • Mobile phones must be turned off during the exam.
  • Bags must be placed/collected in front/back.
  • Must bring Student ID and Exam Participation Card.
  • Sit in the assigned seat number designated by the committee.
  • Prohibited from moving or changing seats.
  • Sign the attendance sheet prepared by the committee.
  • Allow the Exam Supervisor to check the Student ID and Exam Participation Card.
  • May leave the exam room when finished, if it's already halfway through the exam duration.
  • If late by more than half of the exam duration, not allowed to take the exam.
  • Will accept sanctions if found cheating (e.g., cheating, etc.), which will be recorded in the report, and the exam result will be deemed invalid.
  • Matters not covered in the exam rules will be regulated later.


Examination Supervisor Regulations

  • Supervisors must arrive 5 minutes before the exam starts and leave the room after the exam ends.
  • Mobile phones must be turned off/silent during the exam.
  • Distribute exam papers and answer sheets.
  • Circulate the exam attendance list for students to sign.
  • Check Student ID and Exam Participation Card.
  • Sign the Exam Participation Card.
  • Verify the number of attending students with the number of signed students on the exam attendance list.
  • Supervise the exam to prevent cheating during the exam and report to the Exam Committee.
  • Prohibited from speaking in a way that disturbs the exam participants.
  • Allow exam participants to leave the room when finished if it's already halfway through the exam duration.
  • Complete a duplicate of the exam implementation report.
  • Collect and count exam answer sheets, cross-check with the number of attending students after the exam ends.
  • Submit exam results to the exam committee.