Study Program

Bachelor of Dental Hygiene

Head of Study Program: Prof. Dr. drg. Regina TC. Tandelilin, MSc
Secretary: Prayudha Benni Setiawan., S.Kp.G., M.P.H

Strategic Plan Of The Dental Hygiene Study Program


Becoming a pioneer in high-quality dental hygiene education that produces outstanding, innovative, integrative graduates who serve the nation's interests and humanity, embodying cultural values and professionalism based on Pancasila.


To provide education, research and community service in the field of dental hygiene at a professional level that is of high quality, excellence, utility and global focus to support the improvement of oral health.

Terakreditasi Excellent

berdasarkan Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health / Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan Indonesia (LAMPTKes) No. 0599/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/VIII/2024

The profile of graduates of the dental hygiene bachelor's program will be as follows:

  1. Researcher
  2. Academician
  3. Oral Health Promoter
  4. Implementer of Preventive Efforts and Dental Hygiene Care
  5. Managerial
  6. Administrator
  7. Community Dental Health Program Planner
  8. Entrepreneur
  1. Demonstrate Pancasila attitudes and awareness of national and state interests.
  2. Demonstrate honesty, responsibility, confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and a lifelong learning mindset.
  3. Able to deeply apply concepts of dental hygiene science, preventive dentistry, public dental health, and other relevant sciences to solve health problems within the scope of dental hygiene in disease prevention and health promotion.
  4. Able to generally apply concepts of basic medicine, basic dentistry, clinical dentistry, nursing, and other relevant sciences to support oral health services.
  5. Able to apply holistic, innovative, and integrity-driven thinking using information technology to solve health problems within the scope of dental hygiene in disease prevention and health promotion, manifested in scientific documents.
  6. Able to develop networks, adapt, create, contribute, supervise, evaluate, make decisions, and apply entrepreneurial principles using knowledge and technology within the scope of dental hygiene in disease prevention and health promotion in community life.
  7. Able to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate oral disease prevention and oral health promotion efforts as well as dental hygiene care based on individual and/or community risk factors and needs in a holistic, innovative, and integrity-driven manner.
  8. Able to apply management functions to support quality, effective, and efficient oral health policies and services.

Information & Guidelines
Bachelor of Dental Hygiene Study Program


Address: Jl.Denta 1, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia
