

Latest News, SDG 4

UGM Dental Hygiene Study Program Holds Workshop on Learning Methods, Supporting IKU 7 Achievement

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) continues to commit to improving the quality of education through activities that support the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU). On 19 September 2024, the Dental Hygiene Study Program at UGM’s Faculty of Dentistry held a scientific workshop focused on the development of case-based and project-based learning methods. The event, held at the Margono Soeradji Auditorium, was attended by course instructors and teaching staff and was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs. This workshop is a concrete step for FKG UGM in supporting the achievement of IKU 7, which aims to enhance the quality of education at the university.

In her opening remarks, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes., Ph.D., expressed hope that the activity would provide tangible benefits for the participants. “I hope this activity can strengthen understanding and skills in developing high-quality project-based learning methods,” she said. 

This workshop featured two keynote speakers: Dr. Irwan Endrayanto Aluicius, S.Si., M.Sc., Head of the UGM Subdirectorate for Academic Studies, and Dr. Ngadisih, S.T.P., M.Sc., IPM., ASEAN Eng, Head of the UGM Subdirectorate for Academic Innovation Development. Both speakers presented materials on strategies for implementing case-based and project-based learning methods, in line with the goals of IKU 7, as well as guidance on filling out the Semester Learning Plan (RPKPS) and portfolios within the UGM OBA Simaster system.

The OBA Simaster application is an essential tool for completing RPKPS and portfolios, which are part of efforts to achieve IKU 7. “With this system, we can more easily monitor learning achievements,” explained Dr. Irwan. The completeness of RPKPS and portfolios has previously proven to support study programs in obtaining excellent accreditation from LAM-PTKes, and this activity is expected to further improve accreditation quality in the future.

The Head of the Dental Hygiene Study Program, Prof. Dr. drg. Regina TC. Tandelilin, M.Sc., expressed appreciation for the active participation of the lecturers. “I believe that with strong synergy and collaboration between us, we can achieve this great goal, which is to enhance the quality of education and prepare students to face real-world challenges,” said Prof. Regina, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in achieving the expected quality standards.

This workshop produced RPKPS and portfolios for the even semester of the 2023/2024 academic year and preparations for the 2024/2025 even semester. This effort also supports the achievement of SDG Goal 4 (Quality Education) by providing facilities and learning methods that are more adaptive and relevant to academic and professional needs in the real world.

Contributor: Bekti Nur’aini | Author: Diva Luthfi


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