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Master's Program in Dental Science at FKG UGM Conducts Oral Health Check-ups at PT Pagilaran

On 7-8 September 2024, the Oral Health Service team from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), which included the Master’s (S2) Program in Dental Science, visited the tea plantation area of PT Pagilaran in Batang, Central Java. 

The event was attended by Prof. Dr. drg. Juni Handajani, M.Kes., PhD, drg. Dias Bintang Rakasiwi, Nafisa Anreina Puspa, and Intan Dzahabiyah Septiani. It is part of the efforts to improve public health with a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being).

Considering that PT Pagilaran's tea plantation is one of the largest plantation areas in Batang Regency, Central Java, managed by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). 

The health service activities were organized for the workers and their families living in the plantation area. 

This community service initiative is coordinated by the Doctoral Program (S3) in Dental Science at FKG UGM, involving the Master’s Program (S2) in Dental Science and related units within FKG UGM. It included health education and oral examinations for students at SD Keteleng 01, Blado District, Batang, Central Java, and employees at PT Pagilaran.

“We recognize that oral health is an integral part of overall health, which is often neglected. Through this activity, we hope to provide the education, services, and treatment needed by the community around this tea plantation,” stated Prof. Dr. drg. Juni Handajani, M.Kes., PhD.

It is hoped that this activity will greatly benefit the community, raise awareness of the importance of maintaining oral health, and serve as a starting point in improving the quality of life for people in the PT Pagilaran tea plantation area.

Thus, not only is Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) the primary focus in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but also Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 10 (Reduced Inequality), and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Authors: Juni Handajani, Tryanindita, and Pram


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