Dental and oral care for patients with oral cancer is a critical aspect that is often overlooked. However, oral health plays a vital role in the treatment and recovery process for patients. Oral cancer, which includes cancers in areas such as the lips, tongue, gums, and tissues inside the mouth, can lead to various complications that affect the patient's quality of life. One of the most common impacts of this disease and its treatments, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy, is dry mouth, pain, and secondary infections due to a weakened immune system. Therefore, attention to dental and oral care is necessary to help alleviate symptoms and prevent more serious issues.
Early and Regular Examinations
The first step in oral care for patients with oral cancer is early and regular dental examinations. These exams are intended to detect potential oral problems, such as infections or sores, and to plan appropriate treatment. In many cases, for patients undergoing radiotherapy, dry mouth (xerostomia) becomes a major concern, as it can cause difficulties with eating and speaking and increase the risk of tooth decay. Regular use of suitable mouthwash, proper hydration, and the application of saliva substitutes can be practical solutions to address this issue.
Maintaining Oral Hygiene
Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial, especially for oral cancer patients who are at high risk for infections. Using a soft toothbrush and toothpaste formulated for sensitive mouths can help maintain oral health without causing further irritation. Additionally, the use of floss or other dental cleaning tools is recommended to prevent bacterial buildup in hard-to-reach areas. In terms of diet, soft, non-spicy foods are highly recommended, and keeping the mouth hydrated with water helps patients feel more comfortable and maintain the pH balance in the mouth.
Consultation with Nutritionists
Oral cancer patients often experience taste changes, which can lead to a loss of appetite. Therefore, consulting with a nutritionist is crucial to plan an appropriate diet and ensure that the necessary nutritional intake is maintained. In addition to physical factors, psychological and emotional support are also essential in the treatment process. Oral cancer affects not only physical health but also the mental condition of patients, making a holistic approach involving family, healthcare providers, and the community necessary.
Advanced Therapy
With the advancement of technology, there are now options for advanced therapy, such as laser therapy, which can aid in wound healing and reduce pain for oral cancer patients. The use of probiotic supplements is also being considered in research, showing potential benefits for oral health and patient recovery.
Institutions like the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), have introduced SAMURI or Periksa Mulut Sendiri (Self-Oral Check). Outreach activities carried out by FKG UGM in areas like Gunung Kidul not only raise awareness about oral cancer but also provide practical information on early detection and prevention. Through this education, the public is expected to be more sensitive to the signs of oral cancer and understand the importance of regular visits to the dentist.
Overall, dental and oral care for patients with oral cancer is a crucial aspect that requires special attention and a comprehensive approach. Collaboration between dentists, medical teams, and families can result in better outcomes in improving the patient's quality of life. Knowledge and awareness of proper oral care will help patients undergo cancer treatment more comfortably and effectively. With proper care and adequate support, patients with oral cancer can improve their oral health, which will contribute to better healing processes and higher quality of life.
Berfokus untuk memastikan hidup yang sehat dan mendorong kesejahteraan untuk semua di segala usia turut mewujudkan SDGs 3 yaitu Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan. Perawatan gigi dan mulut yang baik bagi pasien kanker mulut memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Dengan meningkatkan kesadaran mengenai pentingnya kesehatan mulut dan perawatan gigi dalam konteks kanker mulut juga dapat dikaitkan dengan mewujudkan SDGs 4 yaitu pendidikan berkualitas. Edukasi pasien, tenaga medis, dan masyarakat tentang perawatan gigi sangat penting
Author : Rizky. B Hendrawan | Photo : Freepik