Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in maintaining optimal dental health. Dental health is not only dependent on good brushing habits or the use of dental floss but also on proper nutrition. A balanced diet helps strengthen the structure of teeth, maintain healthy gums, and prevent issues such as cavities and gum disease. One of the most important vitamins for dental health is vitamin D. Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium, a key mineral that forms tooth enamel and jawbone. Strong enamel is the first line of defense against bacteria and acids that can cause dental decay. When calcium levels are adequate, enamel becomes stronger and more resistant to erosion and cavities.
In addition to vitamin D, vitamin C is also essential for dental health, especially in maintaining healthy gums. Vitamin C helps strengthen the connective tissue in the gums and prevents inflammation or bleeding that can lead to gum disease. Healthy gums provide the foundation for strong teeth, and vitamin C helps maintain the integrity of the gum tissues, ensuring that teeth remain stable and not easily loose. Sources of vitamin C include fruits such as oranges, strawberries, and kiwis, as well as vegetables like broccoli and peppers.
Another important mineral for dental health is phosphorus. Phosphorus works alongside calcium to form and strengthen the structure of teeth and bones. Additionally, magnesium helps maintain the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body. When magnesium levels are sufficient, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus becomes more optimal, helping to keep teeth strong. Phosphorus can be found in foods like fish, meat, and legumes, while magnesium is abundant in almonds, leafy greens, and seeds.
Recently, a group of students from UGM, part of the Exact Sciences Research Creativity Program (PKM-RE), conducted a study on this topic. The team, including Natalia Gabriella Suryawibowo, Tiara Ayu Fitrah Haida, Hesya Nurulum Yunitasari, and Moh. Burhannudin (Dentistry) as well as Deta Stephanie Purba (Pharmacy), successfully developed a nanospray combining snail shells (Achatina fulica) and red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. rubrum) as a remineralizing agent for teeth and antibacterial agent against bacteria responsible for dental demineralization. This research was conducted under the supervision of Dr. drg. Archadian Nuryanti, M.Kes, a lecturer in the Biomedia Department at FKG UGM.
This discovery demonstrates the potential of combining natural ingredients to support dental health. The use of nanospray from snail shells and red ginger offers a new approach to remineralizing teeth, helping to strengthen enamel and protect teeth from damage. This innovation not only enriches the options for remineralizing agents but also proves that natural nutrition can play a significant role in dental care. By considering the intake of vitamins and minerals, supported by innovations like this, dental health can be more comprehensively maintained, supporting healthy teeth and gums from early childhood through adulthood.
By understanding the role of vitamins and minerals in dental health and the potential of this nano-spray innovation, this aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 4 (Quality Education), and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure).
Author : Rizky B. Hedrawan | Photo : Freepik