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Perception Alignment Meeting for Learning Center with PIU UGM-JICA

On Monday (11/7/2022), lecturers of the Faculty of Dentistry UGM held a perception alignment meeting for the Learning Center with the Project Implementation Unit UGM-JICA. This event took place in the meeting room on the 2nd floor of the OECF Building and was attended by the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Cooperation of FKG UGM, drg. Triana Wahyu Utami, MDSc., Ph.D., the Head of the ad-hoc Dental Learning Center, drg. Heni Susilowati, M.Kes., Ph.D., the Director of the Project Implementation Unit UGM, Ir. Hotma Prawoto Sulistyadi, M.T., and keynote speakers, including Dr.nat.techn. Francis M Constance Sigit Setyabudi, STP. MP., drg, H. Dedy Kusuma Yulianto, M.Biotech., Ph.D., and Dr.drg. Retno Ardhani M.Sc.

The meeting was opened with remarks by Ir. Hotma Prawoto Sulistyadi, M.T., who stated that the management of the Learning Center already has a spatial requirement document ready to be implemented. He emphasized that establishing the Learning Center is not just for the development of UGM but for Indonesia as a whole. Thus, the presence of the DLC at FKG UGM should be considered for education and research and as a focal point that meets societal needs.

The DLC, inaugurated in October 2021, is expected to represent the future of education, research, and community service development, constituting the Tri Dharma of higher education. The implementation mechanism uses RAISER on the Macro Aspect to achieve this, encompassing Relevance, Academic, Innovation, Impact, Sustainability, Effectiveness, and Readiness as the Learning Center's operations standards. This ensures that the DLC can execute robust academic plans, research development, and entrepreneurship.

Furthermore, to enhance services and realize a Learning Center with principles of socio-entrepreneurship and multidisciplinary sustainability , the DLC has been prepared early on by forming several divisions focused on such developments, including the Division of Academic Innovation, the Division of Research and Learning Activity Design, the Division of Community Service, the Division of Socio-Entrepreneurship, and the Division of Profiling and Utilization Document Preparation for the DLC.

The discussion concluded with a presentation by drg. H. Dedy Kusuma Yulianto, M.Biotech, Ph.D., and Dr.drg. Retno Ardhani M.Sc. regarding utilizing the Learning Center following their visits to Tokyo and Vienna. The presentation emphasized that proper management, synergy with various fields of knowledge, and openness to opportunities can bring success to the DLC in the future.

FKG UGM Admin/Public Relations Team


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