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Increasing Awareness of Oral Health at Bopkri Sidomulyo 1 Elementary School

Yogyakarta, 30 September 2024 – The Department of Oral Biology at Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Dentistry (FKG UGM) in collaboration with the Master’s Program in Dental Science (S2 IKG) organized a health education and oral health check-up event at Bopkri Sidomulyo 1 Elementary School in Godean, Yogyakarta. 

In this event, attended by dentists and students from FKG UGM, the students of Bopkri Sidomulyo 1 were educated on the importance of maintaining oral health, proper tooth brushing techniques, and received dental examinations by the health team. 

“Oral health is an integral part of our overall health. With the right knowledge and good habits, we can prevent dental problems such as cavities and gum diseases that often disrupt our learning activities,” said Prof. Dr. drg. Juni Handajani, M.Kes., PhD, one of the speakers at the event.

The event began with a welcome speech from the school principal and a representative from the health team. Following this, health education on oral hygiene was conducted, including demonstrations on proper tooth brushing techniques and explanations about foods that are good and bad for dental health. 

“By maintaining oral hygiene, we not only protect our physical health but also boost our confidence through a healthy smile,” added Prof. Juni Handajani.

Dental examinations for the students were performed by a team of dentists from FKG UGM, assisted by students from the Dental Profession Program and the Dental Hygiene Program. Students who required further care were given direct advice from the dental team. Additionally, the students were encouraged to practice proper tooth brushing techniques together.

This activity is expected to enhance students’ understanding of the importance of maintaining oral health and to foster good habits in oral hygiene. 

“Through activities like this, we aim to detect oral health issues early among students so they can receive care as soon as possible,” said drg. Alma Linggar Jonarta, M.Kes., from the Department of Oral Biology at FKG UGM.

Tidak hanya mendukung Tujuan ke-3 dengan memastikan kesehatan yang baik bagi siswa, kegiatan ini juga berkontribusi pada Tujuan ke-4 dengan menyediakan edukasi yang relevan untuk membantu siswa tetap sehat dan siap belajar. Selain itu, pengajaran tentang kebersihan mulut dan penggunaan air bersih juga mendukung Tujuan ke-6, khususnya dalam hal sanitasi dan kebersihan.

Authors: Prof. Dr. drg. Juni Handajani, M.Kes., Ph.D., Tryanindita, Pram


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