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Introduction to Library Services through User Education and Information Literacy Event

The Faculty of Dentistry Library (FKG) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) collaborated with the UGM Library and Archives to hold a User Education & Information Literacy event on Monday (23/9/2024). 

The event aimed to introduce new students to various library facilities and promote the importance of information literacy as a foundation for academic success.

Taking place from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM WIB in Room H4 at FKG UGM, the event was attended by over 40 new students. Two speakers were invited to provide insights: Sarwono, SIP., M.A. from the UGM Central Library, and Wardoyo, A.Md from the FKG UGM Library. 

“We want to ensure that new students can make use of all the available facilities, both at the central library and at the faculty, to support their studies,” Sarwono stated during his presentation.

The speakers presented several key services available at the UGM Library and Archives, including the Electronic Theses & Dissertation (ETD) Room, Wellness Center, Kids Corner, Individual Academic Consultation (IAC), Individual Student Support (ISS), and mini tutorial classes. 

Wardoyo added that the FKG UGM Library also offers various facilities to support students' needs, including access to ETD, digital library applications, video collections, national and international journal access, and Turnitin services. 

“At FKG UGM, we always strive to provide as much access as possible for students to support their learning activities,” explained Wardoyo.

Throughout the event, students received not only theoretical explanations but also practical guidance on how to optimally utilize various library resources, both physical and digital. 

The event became more interactive with a question-and-answer session, allowing students to ask speakers directly about the available facilities. To encourage participation, attractive door prizes were also provided for students who asked questions.

The User Education & Information Literacy event is expected to enhance the information literacy of new students, enabling them to access, evaluate, and use information effectively in their studies. 

This information literacy is essential not only for academic success but also for shaping individuals who can actively contribute to society, in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Contributor: Library Unit of FKG UGM | Author: Pram


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