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Wastewater Management at FKG UGM

With a large population of students, faculty, and staff, the volume of wastewater generated by FKG UGM is significant, including domestic waste, laboratory waste, and rainwater. Effective wastewater management is crucial for protecting the quality of soil, groundwater, and the surrounding campus ecosystem from pollution.

Under strict supervision, the wastewater processed by the wastewater treatment plant (IPAL) will be treated to meet safety standards for release back into the environment or even recycled for reuse, such as for watering gardens and flushing toilets.

The implementation of the IPAL system at FKG UGM faces several challenges, including limited land for the construction of adequate facilities, variations in waste from various campus activities, and considerable operational costs. Additionally, laboratory waste containing chemicals requires special handling to avoid contaminating the disposal system.

Buana Yaksa Surya Atmaja, S.T., M.Eng, the coordinator of facilities and infrastructure at FKG UGM, stated that several approaches can be taken to address these challenges. For instance, designing an adaptive IPAL system tailored to the volume of wastewater generated and anticipating changes in the number of occupants or activities on campus.

Environmentally friendly technologies such as bioreactors, membrane technology, and biofiltration are used to process wastewater. The residual sludge from treatment can also be utilized as organic fertilizer, supporting the concept of a green and sustainable campus.

Active participation from all campus members is essential for the success of this program. Therefore, FKG UGM regularly conducts educational programs and training on the importance of maintaining drainage systems and avoiding the disposal of hazardous materials that are difficult to process. Environmental campaigns on campus are also continuously carried out to raise awareness of the importance of wastewater management.

FKG UGM routinely monitors the quality of wastewater produced by the IPAL to ensure compliance with applicable environmental standards. “Regular evaluations are conducted to identify potential improvements so that the IPAL system can continue to be enhanced along with technological advancements and campus needs,” said Buana.

Melalui manajemen IPAL yang tepat, FKG UGM menunjukkan komitmennya terhadap keberlanjutan dan tanggung jawab sosial lingkungan, selaras dengan berbagai SDGs. Khususnya SDGs tujuan ke-3 Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan yang Baik, tujuan ke-6 Air Bersih dan Sanitasi , tujuan ke-12 Konsumsi dan Produksi yang Bertanggung Jawab, dan tujuan ke-13 Aksi Iklim. Dengan teknologi modern dan kesadaran seluruh elemen kampus, pengelolaan air limbah ini tidak hanya memenuhi peraturan lingkungan tetapi juga mendukung terciptanya kampus hijau yang lestari bagi generasi mendatang.

Author: Buana, Pram | Photo: Freepik


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