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The Impact of Oral Health on Heart Health: A Often Overlooked Connection

Oral health is often overlooked when we talk about overall health. Many people think dental care only concerns the teeth and gums, without realizing that oral health can have far-reaching impacts, including on heart health. Recent research has shown that oral health issues, such as gum disease and tooth infections, can contribute to several serious heart conditions. This highlights that maintaining oral hygiene is not just about having a beautiful smile but also about safeguarding the health of our vital organs.

Disorders in the oral cavity, such as gingivitis or gum inflammation, can trigger blockages in blood vessels, leading to a decline in heart function or performance. Inflammation caused by bacterial infections can result in long-term inflammation, and these bacteria can travel to the heart, causing deposits in the heart chambers. Therefore, it is essential not to ignore the early signs of gum inflammation, as its consequences can be more serious than we might imagine.

In addition to gingivitis, another potential cause of heart health issues is periodontitis. This condition is characterized by the presence of abscesses near the tooth roots due to bacterial infection. Periodontitis carries a greater risk of disrupting heart health because bacteria from infected gums can easily spread to the heart. This infection can worsen heart conditions and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, which often lead to more serious health problems.

The importance of oral health is also tied to greater awareness of a healthy lifestyle as a whole. People who maintain good oral hygiene are more likely to pay attention to other aspects of their health, such as a proper diet and sufficient physical activity. By increasing awareness of the connection between oral health and heart health, we can encourage individuals to adopt healthy habits that benefit both aspects.

Therefore, it is crucial to raise public awareness about the importance of oral health. Health education programs focusing on the relationship between dental hygiene and heart health can be implemented across various groups, from schools to communities. With the right information, the public can better understand that caring for their teeth and gums is not just a routine, but also an essential step in maintaining heart health. Dental and oral health expert at UGM’s Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. drg. Ahmad Syaify, Sp.Perio (K), explained that gum inflammation can lead to focal infections. These infections typically result in gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, which then enter the bloodstream. These bacteria release toxins, including endotoxins, which can cause plaque buildup in the arteries of the heart.

Thus, maintaining oral health is a long-term investment in overall health. Regular dental checkups, brushing your teeth twice a day, and using floss are simple steps that can lay the foundation for better heart health. With a better understanding of how oral health and heart health are interconnected, we can take proactive steps to keep our bodies healthy and functioning optimally. Let us all realize that a healthy smile contributes to a healthy heart, and both are essential for a long and meaningful life.

Author : Rizky B. Hendrawan | Photo : Freepik


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