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Addressing Stunting, FKG UGM Students Engage in Tlogopucang Village

According to the 2023 Indonesia Health Survey, the stunting rate in Temanggung Regency has reached 25.1%, surpassing the Central Java provincial average of 20.7%. Poor oral health can contribute to malnutrition and lead to stunting. This concern prompted students from the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, to conduct dental health education and examinations in Tlogopucang Village, Temanggung, on 26 January 2024.

The initiative was coordinated by students from the FKG UGM 2021 cohort under the theme "Langkung Caket, Langkung Preduli, Pinuju Kasarasan Ingkang Luhur." One of the student coordinators expressed that this theme signifies the FKG UGM students' willingness to engage with the community, fostering a sense of care that will positively impact the community's oral health.

Dr. Trianna Wahyu Utami, Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Collaboration at FKG UGM, emphasized that every cohort at FKG UGM must conduct community service activities. This commitment reflects FKG UGM's active involvement in community welfare.

"Students involved in these activities will understand the lengthy process of community service, from planning to execution. This experience goes beyond classroom learning," Trianna stated.

The activities targeted two groups: PKK mothers and elementary school teachers and students. PKK members and teachers received training and were groomed as cadre members. 

Meanwhile, elementary school students participated in educational games and experiments, including an experiment to observe the effects inside the oral cavity when it is not cleaned. After the education session, the students were encouraged to brush their teeth together.

The community program included dental and oral health screenings and the implementation of a nutrition project. "Given the alarming stunting rates in Temanggung Regency, we agreed to initiate a nutrition project," mentioned one of the student representatives. The nutrition project aims to combat malnutrition and improve overall nutritional health.

Representatives from Tlogopucang Village expressed gratitude for the presence of FKG UGM faculty members and students.

"On behalf of all villagers in Tlogopucang, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the professors and students from FKG UGM for providing education and examinations in our village," they remarked.

This program aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 4 (Quality Education), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).


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