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Promoting Healthy Living, FKG UGM Hosts Free Exercise and Health Check-Up Event

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is crucial. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating habits are risk factors that can impair health.

The Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), through the Health Promotion Unit University SENYUM (HPU SENYUM), organized a free exercise and health check-up event at the DLC Building Courtyard on Friday, 26 July 2024.

The event was attended by the academic community of the Faculty of Medicine-Public Health-Nursing (FK-KMK), the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the staff of RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo. The purpose of the event was to strengthen the relationships among working units within the UGM health cluster and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Prof. drg. Suryono, S.H., M.M., Ph.D., Dean of FKG UGM, warmly welcomed the participants' enthusiasm and emphasized the importance of maintaining both physical and mental health. “Exercise and socializing complement each other. By maintaining physical health, we also support our mental well-being,” said drg. Suryono after the exercise session.

In addition to the exercise activities, free health check-ups were provided, including blood pressure, blood sugar, uric acid, cholesterol tests, anthropometric measurements, and consultations on general and dental health. Participants also enjoyed a communal breakfast.

What set this event apart from previous ones was FKG UGM’s collaboration with the Academic Hospital Universitas Gadjah Mada (RSA UGM) to offer blood donations and medical check-ups specifically for elderly participants aged 50 and above. This reflects FKG UGM’s commitment to the health of the entire academic community.

The event received positive feedback from attendees. Awaludin noted that the general and dental health check-ups, along with the blood donation program, are encouraging for adopting a healthier lifestyle. “Physical health must be maintained, and dietary habits should be considered because health is invaluable,” said Awaludin.

The success of this event is thanks to the hard work of the HPU SENYUM Unit at FKG UGM, which comprises four divisions: health promotion, mental health, physical health, and occupational health.

drg. Tjut Intan Permatasari, Sp.PM, head of HPU SENYUM, hopes the event will continue and benefit all participants. “We hope to consistently organize such events regularly and provide benefits to the UGM academic community,” she said.

This event aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 2: Zero Hunger and Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being.

Author: Fajar Budi H. | Photo: Fajar Budi H.


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