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FKG UGM Provides Dental and Oral Health Check-ups for SLBN 1 Bantul Students

Awareness of the importance of maintaining dental and oral health in Indonesia, particularly among children, remains relatively low. This situation is further complicated when it involves children with special needs, who often face unique challenges in maintaining oral hygiene.

In response to this issue, the Pediatric Dentistry Specialist Program at FKG UGM conducted a dental health service activity at SLBN 1 Bantul Clinic on Tuesday, 16 July 2024. This weekly program aims to enhance access to and the quality of dental care services for children with special needs.

A total of 11 students received dental examinations from residents of the Pediatric Dentistry Specialist Program under the supervision of the Responsible Service Doctor (DPJP). Common issues identified during this examination included dental caries (cavities), pulp necrosis (death of the deepest dental tissues), and persistence of primary teeth despite the emergence of permanent teeth.

The activity was positively received by the parents of the students, including Sutiningsih. She expressed her gratitude for the program, stating, “I am very happy and thankful for this activity, as it allows children to receive proper dental care. Initially, my child was anxious and afraid of the dental examination, but after some encouragement, he agreed to it.”

drg. Shoimah Alfa Makmur, MDSc., Sp.KGA, a specialist involved in the activity, emphasized the importance of maintaining dental and oral health for children with special needs. “To parents, let us work together to maintain our special children’s dental and oral health by brushing twice a day and maintaining a healthy diet,” she urged.

Every week, students and faculty from the Pediatric Dentistry Department provide regular dental care services to children with special needs at this school. In addition to offering healthcare, such activities also serve as a learning opportunity for residents undergoing specialist training in dentistry.

This initiative aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 3 (Good Health and Well-being), number 4 (Quality Education), and number 10 (Reduced Inequality). By providing dental care services to children with special needs, it is hoped that their quality of life will improve and social inequalities will be reduced.

Author: Fajar Budi H. | Photo: Fajar Budi H.


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