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Ensuring Orderly Conduct, Lecturers Supervise UGM Admission Test 2024

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held the Written Admission Test (UM UGM) from 2 to 4 July 2024. This exam is part of the selection process to identify prospective new students who excel and meet the academic standards set by the university. The test was conducted at several locations, including the Dental Learning Center (DLC) building of UGM's Faculty of Dentistry.

In the implementation of UM UGM 2024, the role of lecturers as exam supervisors is crucial to ensure the exam runs in an orderly manner. Among the supervisors were lecturers from the Department of Dental Biomaterials Science (IBKG) of the Faculty of Dentistry at UGM, who assigned three lecturers as exam supervisors: Prof. Dr. drg. Siti Sunarintyas, M.Kes, Dr. drg. Harsini, MS, and drg. Mutiara Annisa, MDSc. These lecturers participated in overseeing both the UM UGM Written Test and the National Selection Based on Test (SNBT) 2024.

Before the start of the exam, the supervisors conducted screening to verify the completeness of the required identity documents, such as exam cards, personal identification cards, and other necessary documents. They also checked to ensure that the participants' faces matched their identification.

“We are honored to participate in overseeing this year’s UGM Entrance Exam. As supervisors, we are committed to maintaining integrity and ensuring that the exam process runs smoothly,” said Prof. Siti (4/6).

drg. Harsini also emphasized that the involvement of lecturers in supervision is part of their responsibility as educators to monitor and ensure that every prospective student takes the exam honestly.

In 2024, the undergraduate program at the Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, has a capacity of 207 students. The undergraduate program is divided into two study programs: Dentistry Education, which has a capacity of 164 students, and Dental Hygiene, which has a capacity of 43 students.

The active participation of lecturers in this supervision not only demonstrates their commitment to the quality of education at UGM but also supports the achievement of several points in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Particularly, the fourth pillar (Quality Education), where UGM continues to strive to maintain high educational standards through transparent and fair selection processes. Additionally, this commitment contributes to the sixteenth pillar (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) which emphasizes the importance of strong and integrity-driven institutions.

Author: Pram | Editor: Fajar Budi H.


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