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Pediatric Expert from Tokushima University Delivers Lecture at FKG UGM

As part of its efforts to provide quality education, the Pediatric Dentistry Specialist Program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) held an expert lecture on 27 May 2024, themed “Orthodontic Pediatric Management: Early Detection of Bad Oral Habits and Airway Contribution.” This event featured an international speaker, Prof. Tomonori Iwasaki, DDS, Ph.D., from Tokushima University, Japan.

In this lecture, Prof. Iwasaki discussed important topics related to ‘airway dentistry’. He explained that the use of rapid maxillary expansion devices not only functions to improve the curvature of the jaw but can also enhance airway ventilation by improving the nasal airway. He emphasized the importance of early detection of bad oral habits and the prevention of airway disturbances through appropriate interventions, especially in supporting optimal jaw growth in children.

The goal of this event was to broaden the knowledge of prospective pediatric dental specialists, particularly from the Pediatric Dentistry Specialist Program at FKG UGM, on the latest developments in airway dentistry and early detection of bad oral habits. Additionally, this event provided an opportunity for residents to update their knowledge in line with global standards. 

Through this event, FKG UGM also contributes to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 4 (Quality Education), and SDG 17 (Partnerships to Achieve the Goal).

It is hoped that through this activity, participants can apply the knowledge gained to improve the quality of children's health both nationally and internationally. This event not only strengthens global collaboration in the field of dentistry but also prepares future pediatric dentists who can make significant contributions to the advancement of education and health in the future.

Contributor: drg. Arif | Author: Diva Luthfiana


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