

Latest News, SDG 17, SDG 3, SDG 4

Malaysian Pediatric Dentistry Expert Delivers Guest Lecture at FKG UGM

The Pediatric Dentistry Specialist Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Faculty of Dentistry (FKG UGM) held a guest lecture on Special Care Dentistry on 17 July 2024. The event was attended by 37 participants, including residents and lecturers from the pediatric dentistry department. 

This special lecture featured two speakers from Malaysia: Dr. Jessica A/P Francis from the Department of Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, Universiti Malaya, and Dr. Aimi Binti Kamarudin, BDS, M.ClinDent, from Universiti Sains Malaysia. Their presence at FKG UGM was to share experiences and knowledge about Special Care Dentistry (SCD), a branch of dentistry that focuses on the oral health of individuals with special medical conditions or disabilities requiring more than routine dental care provided to normal individuals. 

“This lecture has been very helpful in understanding the proper approach for managing patients with special needs,” said Fuad. Participants were highly enthusiastic about the session, as it expanded their understanding of SCD practices in other countries.

The event also aimed to broaden knowledge and provide updates on developments in the field of SCD, allowing participants to acquire the latest information from international education centers.

With this program, FKG UGM supports SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 4 (Quality Education), and SDG 17 (Partnerships to achieve the Goal). It is hoped that this guest lecture will strengthen institutional collaboration and enhance the quality of education in pediatric dentistry, particularly in managing cases of special needs.

Contributor: drg. Arif | Author: Diva Luthfiana


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