

drg. Trianna Wahyu Utami, MD.Sc., Ph.D.

drg. Trianna Wahyu Utami, MD.Sc., Ph.D.

drg. Trianna Wahyu Utami, MDSc., Ph.D. is an Associate Professor specializing in molecular biology of dental medicine, with a focus on hard dental tissues and precision dentistry in the Department of Biomedical Dental Science at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). She obtained her expertise in molecular biology through her doctoral education at the Graduate School of Oral Sciences, Tokushima University, Japan. Currently, drg. Trianna serves as the Vice Dean for Research, Collaboration, and Alumni at the Faculty of Dentistry, UGM (2021-2026), a position she also held during the 2016-2021 deanery period.

drg. Trianna has been a member of the editorial board of the Indonesian Dental Journal (MKGI) at UGM since 2017, a member of the editorial board of Odonto at Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang, since 2020, and an editorial board member of the Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science at Hasanuddin University, Makassar. Due to her expertise, she has been appointed as a reviewer for Innovation and Academic Review at UGM since 2014, and she holds a national research reviewer certification issued by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia since 2019. She was awarded best presenter for Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development at the 33rd SEAADE Conference in Cambodia 2022.

As a prolific researcher, drg. Trianna receives numerous research grants annually as a principal investigator and co-investigator. These include annual research programs from the Faculty of Dentistry UGM, research grants from Simlitabmas (2017-2019) from the Ministry of Education and Culture, a Final Assignment Recognition Grant from UGM (2019), an Academic Excellence Grant from UGM (2023), and a Matching Fund Program Grant from Kedaireka of the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2023. In addition to her research, drg. Trianna is actively involved in community service, striving to reduce the incidence of caries and malnutrition in children by promoting dietary changes through the back-to-nature concept in precision dentistry, supported by relevant dental health education.

Besides publishing in internationally and nationally indexed journals, drg. Trianna has also published a book with UGM Press, Yogyakarta, titled "Hilirisasi Riset: From Bed to Bench," to disseminate her knowledge. She holds a patent for a product titled "Processing of Scorodocarpus Borneensis Leaves into Essential Oil Inhibiting Bacterial Growth" and currently holds the copyright for a brand of natural Indonesian-based whitening products.


Medical and Health Sciences, Medical Microbiology Not Elsewhere Classified, Medical Microbiology

