

drg. Fimma Naritasari, MDSc.

drg. Fimma Naritasari, MDSc.


drg. Fimma Naritasari, MDSc. is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, who joined in 2015. In addition to being a staff in the IPM FKG UGM department, drg. Fimma is a general dental practitioner who actively practices in Yogyakarta. drg. Fimma completed her dentist profession education (drg.) in 2012 from FKG UGM and obtained her Master of Dental Science (MDSc.) in 2018. Currently studying Doctoral studies in the Doctoral Program in Medical and Health Sciences, FKKMK UGM is interested in studying Medical Education.

The research focuses on oral medicine, especially regarding Oral Neurosensory Disorder and Orofacial PainFimma has a special interest in academics and education, has served as head of the quality assurance unit of FKG UGM in 2019, and is often involved in activities related to curriculum development at FKG UGM. drg. Fimma is also actively developing teaching media through learning materials and learning videos that have obtained copyright certificates from the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights. One of the Teaching Materials published in a textbook is "Manajemen Higiene Gigi Kompromis Medis dan Berkebutuhan Khusus” in 2023.

In Community Service, drg. Fimma actively carried out Community Service activities, including initiating dental and oral health cadres in Panjangrejo Village, Pundong District, Bantul Regency, in 2016-2017. In between busy academic activities, drg. Fimma likes to travel and try a variety of Nusantara cuisine in all corners of the country.


Oral Neurosensory Disorder

