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Monitoring and Evaluation of Management Services at the Faculty to Enhance Quality of Education and Services

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) continues its commitment to enhancing the quality of education and services through monitoring and evaluation (Monev) activities that have been conducted since 2021. This initiative is part of the Faculty's Internal Quality Assurance System, aimed at ensuring that the services provided meet established standards and contribute to sustainable education.

dr. Dyah Listyarifah, M.Sc., D.Med.Sci, Head of the Quality Assurance Unit at FKG UGM, stated that every year, FKG UGM conducts monitoring and evaluation using survey methods to collect comprehensive feedback from various stakeholders. “These surveys involve students, educational staff, lecturers, alumni, partners, and users to gain diverse perspectives on the effectiveness of the Faculty's services,” she mentioned in an interview on 31 August.

The areas evaluated include Academics and Student Affairs, Research, Community Service, Collaboration, Alumni, Finance, Infrastructure, and Human Resources and Staffing. The assessments conducted are essential for evaluating the overall function of the faculty, including its ability to provide quality education and services.

According to dr. Dyah, the results of the surveys are compiled by the Faculty’s Monitoring and Evaluation Team and will be presented at the Faculty Management Review Meeting to discuss the evaluation findings and identify areas needing improvement.  

In addition to enhancing internal processes, the findings from the monitoring and evaluation activities also contribute to the broader objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By prioritizing fundamental services and education for sustainability, FKG UGM plays a vital role in promoting quality education and encouraging sustainable practices within the academic community.

FKG UGM’s commitment to this initiative reflects the faculty’s dedication to providing quality education and services while supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 4 (Quality Education) and Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

Contributor: Anita Ramona | Author: Haqi


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