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PHPM Method Using Cytology Smear Processor to Improve Early Detection of Oral Health Issues

In an effort to enhance early detection of oral health issues, particularly in children with Down Syndrome, Dr. drg. Alma Linggar Jonarta, M.Kes, a lecturer at the Department of Oral Biology and a member of the Doctoral Program in Dental Science, together with a research team, conducted a study on the Cytogenetics of Buccal Mucosal Epithelium in Children with Mild and Moderate Down Syndrome in Bontang City and Yogyakarta. The examination was held at the State Special Education School (SLB) in Bontang, East Kalimantan, and the State Special Education School in Yogyakarta, also as part of the community service activity.

The research involved 30 students with Down Syndrome, ranging from kindergarten to high school, who had their buccal mucosal smear samples taken. This activity was fully funded by a research grant from the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The study aims to address the urgent need for accessible health services, particularly for vulnerable populations.

The research is also supported by PT. Setia Anugerah Medika, which has strengthened its partnership with the Faculty of Dentistry UGM through a cooperation agreement. The company provided 30 containers of liquid cytology as transport media for buccal smears, 30 special slide glasses, a set of Papanicolaou staining materials, and the Lituo YJ2000 Liquid-base Cytology Smear Processor. This tool is essential in histopathology, helping improve the quality of specimens, diagnostic accuracy, and work efficiency.

One significant challenge in sample collection is maintaining specimen integrity during transport between distant research sites over extended periods. The epithelial cells preserved in liquid cytology media can remain viable for up to two months at room temperature without degradation, making them easy to transport. The Cytology Smear Processor automatically transfers epithelial cells from the liquid cytology container to the slide glass, ensuring even distribution of cells across the surface.

Once the specimen on the slide is prepared, it can proceed with various staining techniques, including Papanicolaou or immunohistochemistry. This process makes buccal epithelial smear collection more effective, efficient, and minimizes cell accumulation on the slide surface, improving cell counting accuracy.

A demonstration and hands-on session for using the Lituo YJ2000 Liquid-base Cytology Smear Processor was conducted on 22 October 2024 at the Integrated Research Laboratory on the 4th floor of the Dental Learning Center, FKG UGM. The session was led by technicians from PT. Setia Anugerah Medika and attended by faculty, students, researchers, and laboratory technicians.

Mr. Yosep Hadi Wardoyo, regional manager for Yogyakarta and Southern Central Java at PT. Setia Anugerah Medika, stated that the provision of materials and loan of equipment is part of PT. Setia Anugerah Medika's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. It is hoped that with the assistance of these tools and materials, valuable and accurate research data will be produced, suitable for publication in reputable international journals.

The utilization of this cutting-edge technology is expected to support the early detection of oral cavity abnormalities in children with Down Syndrome, enabling prompt preventive and treatment plans. This effort aligns with the vision of the Doctoral Program in Dental Science at UGM, which aims to improve community quality of life through the prevention and early management of oral diseases.

This activity also supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Authors: Ari Jimi Febriyanto, Al Haqi Insan Pratama


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