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Celebrating the Anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture, FKG UGM Holds a Dental Check and Education Event

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) participated in the event "Posbindu and Dental Check-up with Faperta, FKG, and FKKMK UGM" held at the A2 Building Terrace, Faculty of Agriculture UGM (Faperta), on Friday (07/06). This event was part of the opening activities for the 78th Anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture. The FKG UGM team provided dental health examinations and education to the Faperta community.

The event took place from 8:00 to 11:30 AM WIB, involving 50 Posbindu participants and 20 dental check-up participants, including faculty members, staff, and students from the Faculty of Agriculture. The organizing committee comprised cadres from the Pos Pembinaan Terpadu (Posbindu) and the Health Promoting University (HPU) team from Faperta, collaborating with HPU teams from FKG and FKKMK UGM.

"This activity aims to assess the health levels of faculty and staff and to enhance the participation of the academic community at Faperta UGM in the prevention and early detection of non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors," said a representative of the organizing committee. "We hope this activity can be held regularly and, if possible, the quota can be increased to more than 50 people for greater benefits."

The Faperta academic community was enthusiastic about participating in this activity. "I am happy because there is a health check and an opportunity to consult with experts about physical and dental health," said one of the participants.

The FKG UGM service team included 2 Service Responsible Doctors (DPJP), 2 coordinating lecturers, 5 staff members, 4 dental students, and 4 dental hygiene students. "We hope that in the future, participants in the examination and education sessions will become more aware of the importance of maintaining dental health and hygiene," said Indira, an HPU FKG UGM team representative.

This activity represents cross-sectoral community service by FKG UGM, involving students and integrating elements of education and teaching to bring dental health services closer to the community, hoping to improve the overall health status of the Indonesian population. About the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this activity aligns with the third goal (Good Health and Well-Being), the fourth goal (Quality Education), and the seventeenth goal (Partnership for the Goals). Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), kegiatan ini sangat beriringan dengan tujuan ketiga (Good Health and Well-Being), fourth (Quality Education), dan ke-17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Author: Nadia Fauzia


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