In today’s digital era, news serves not only as a source of information but also as a strategic tool for building and enhancing a university's reputation. Through quality news writing, an educational institution can showcase its various achievements, innovations, and activities, thereby attracting public attention and improving its image.
The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) conducted a news writing training session for educational staff and lecturers on September 5, 2024. This event aimed to improve news writing skills, which could enhance the image of FKG UGM.
Pelatihan ini menghadirkan dua pemateri berpengalaman, yaitu drg. Ahmad Syaifi, Sp.Perio(K), dosen FKG UGM sekaligus wartawan senior, serta Ir. Sentagi Sesotya Utami, Koordinator Bidang SDGs UGM.
In the first session, Drg. Ahmad Syaifi presented on "Tips for Writing Concise and Engaging Articles." He shared various tricks and techniques for writing news that captures readers' attention, especially those who may easily lose interest. “News writing should use straightforward sentences; avoid complicated terminology so that readers can easily understand what we write,” Syaifi stated. He emphasized that since the news will eventually be published on the website and viewed by many, it is crucial to keep the writing accessible so readers do not find it too complex and decide to disengage.
In the next session, Ir. Sentagi Sesotya Utami discussed Strategies for Accelerating News Coverage. In her presentation, she noted that to speed up the news writing process, participants could utilize UGM AI as an assistive tool. However, Sentagi stressed the importance of conducting manual edits and adding a human touch to the writing for optimal results. “AI technology can certainly help, but good writing still needs to go through a manual editing process,” she explained.
Dengan adanya pelatihan ini, diharapkan tenaga kependidikan dan dosen FKG UGM dapat lebih terampil dalam menulis berita yang efektif, padat, dan menarik, serta dapat mempercepat proses pemberitaan untuk kebutuhan institusi. Hal ini mendukung Tujuan Pembangunan Berkualitas (SDGs) utamanya SDG tujuan ke-4 Pendidikan Berkualitas.
Author: Rizky