

Latest News, SDG 3, SDG 4

Why It’s Important to Maintain Oral Health in HIV/AIDS Patients

Oral health is an important aspect often overlooked in HIV/AIDS patients, even though it significantly impacts their quality of life. People with HIV/AIDS are more vulnerable to oral infections such as candidiasis (fungal infections), oral herpes, and severe canker sores. This is due to a weakened immune system, making them more susceptible to infections that may seem minor but can develop into serious health issues if left untreated.

Good oral care helps reduce the risk of infections and further complications. Issues such as bleeding gums and dry mouth are common in HIV/AIDS patients, which can affect their nutrient intake and worsen their overall health. Furthermore, oral infections can be an early sign that the immune system is weakening, so routine monitoring can help detect the disease's progression earlier.

Regular dental visits and maintaining oral hygiene through regular brushing, antiseptic mouthwash, and flossing are highly recommended for HIV/AIDS patients. Early intervention in dental and oral issues can prevent further infection progression that could affect other organs. Therefore, maintaining oral health is an integral part of comprehensive HIV/AIDS care, helping patients maintain a better quality of life and preventing life-threatening complications.

Moreover, maintaining oral health in HIV/AIDS patients aligns with efforts to improve health and well-being, as outlined in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all. Through integrated dental and oral health education in HIV/AIDS care, we not only protect patients from complications but also contribute to global efforts to improve their quality of life. This is in line with SDG 4, which focuses on quality education.

Author: Rizky B. Hendrawan | Photo: Freepik


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